GOP Tool: “Facts are Very Subjective”

I often reference "Opposite World" on my show. This morning, I got proof that it exists and is eating away our fourth estate. This morning I happened to have MSNBC on. Ayman Mohyeldin was anchoring, with former presidential debate moderator Carole Simpson and former primary debate panelist (and radio hate talker) Hugh Hewitt on. One of his questions was whether or not the debate moderator should also fact check the candidates answers. Simpson said absolutely they should. Hewitt thought not so much. His rationale made me spit coffee. I had to go back and pull the audio because I wouldn't [...]

By |September 24th, 2016|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on GOP Tool: “Facts are Very Subjective”

What I will not write about today

Sometimes I get so frustrated and/or disheartened and/or annoyed by some of the news stories of the day that I can’t bring myself to write about them. Here are a few recent reports that made my blood pressure hit the roof. I am avoiding delving into them at length out of concern for my physical and mental health. Many of us were seething at the press (not just the "mainstream media," but also pundits on the right and the left) for their praise of Donald Trump's trip to Mexico. They actually called him "presidential." No, I'm not kidding. Some approval cranked [...]

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