6-8-18 Nicole Sandler Show – Digby Returns

With all the disconcerting news swirling around, I'm glad that Digby is returning to the show today. A good conversation with Heather "Digby" Parton always helps make digesting the bad news a little easier. Find Digby's blog here, and find her at Salon.com here.

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Oh Captain, My Captain

The world lost a real treasure yesterday. Robin Williams gave us the gift of countless verses, of howls of hilarity, gleeful giggles and even snort-inducing snickers. For the laughs, I'll be forever grateful. But he also had the ability to get truly serious, and to bring us to tears. His performances in Dead Poets Society, Good Will Hunting, Good Morning Vietnam, Mrs. Doubtfire and even the under-appreciated Jumanji are among my favorites. But there were so many more thought-provoking, risk-taking roles (What Dreams May Come comes to mind) that made up the wealth of work he'll leave behind and insure [...]

Death & Taxes (and FloriDUH too)

We trot out the wisdom of Franklin each year as we pay our share of keeping this country going. I believe any patriot would be more than willing to pay their taxes to insure that the infrastructure is kept up, and the citizens protected. Unfortunately, those priorities seem to be low on the totem pole that has military spending taking up a ridiculous percentage of the hard-earned dollars most of us fork over every year. It's sad and maddening that the wealthiest people and corporations in the US get the biggest tax breaks, while those of us struggling to get [...]

Stop the Killing

Deeply concerned by inhumaneness of drive hunt dolphin killing. USG opposes drive hunt fisheries. — キャロライン・ケネディ駐日米国大使 (@CarolineKennedy) January 18, 2014   We can thank the new US Ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy, and Yoko Ono too, for the fact that we're talking about the annual slaughter of dolphins at Taiji Cove in Japan. I first learned of the horrific practice in the summer of 2009. I was hosting a nightly show on Air America Radio, and was sent a review DVD of the documentary The Cove  Academy Award® Winner for Best Documentary of 2009, THE COVE follows an elite team of activists, [...]

On Death and Politics

Aaron Swartz Adnan Latif (Photo: Wikipedia) Today's show highlighted some sad realities. I talked about two deaths in which the US government was undoubtedly complicit. Aaron Swartz, a brilliant young man who was being targeted by the DoJ for something many (including me) contend was not a crime, was facing decades in prison and battling lifelong depression, committed suicide. I didn't know Aaron and, although I knew of his work, did not know his name until I learned of his death.  But I watch as Chris Hayes yesterday paid tribute to his friend and former classmate... [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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