Carly Fiorina, Demon Ewe of a Candidate

    Whether bloody sport or contentious reality show, the 2016 primary season has [thus far, I know we are all excited about the Joe Biden Elizabeth Warren assignation] precisely two strong dames to keep on opposite sides of the ropes. But are they both actually competing for the only Oval Office? […]

8-17-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Chuck Todd Accidentally Reported News

All eyes were on Iowa this weekend as the 2016 hopefuls ate the obligatory corn dogs at the Iowa State Fair and made news. We'll talk about all of it today with Joel Silberman. Ari Berman returns with a news book, "Give Us The Ballot" about the continuing fight for the Voting Rights Act, 50 years after it became law.

By |August 17th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 8-17-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Chuck Todd Accidentally Reported News

The Great Trump Dumpster

Via The San Diego Union Tribune   "It's the Summer of Trump!", barked the small mouth in the tier below the Hair System of the Donald. [It has Staff, Mark Halperin was recently spotted bribing them with State Fair discount coo-puns.] At least that's what THEY say. Donald is either a closeted and devoted polytheist or has a constant Judgmental Cadre of Trump! experts in his earpiece. Which, yes, is most definitely wired into the-absolutely-greatest-on-earth-the-BEST Hair System. Only Losers rely on Bluetooth. And have contractual obligations to 'God'. After giving free helicopter rides to GOP kidlets in Iowa [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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