1-16-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Thursdays with Howie Klein

Just click to play: or Download the file here   Impeachment moves to the senate, and Lev Parnas tells all. There's tons of news to report on today. And it's Thursday, which means Howie Klein joins in. We'll talk about all the news, tackle the Bernie-Liz dustup and talk about endorsements and more...

By |January 16th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 1-16-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Thursdays with Howie Klein

No Seat at THE Woolworth’s Lunch Counter For Trump

Woolworth Headquarters Embraced by the lunch-counter and sit-in Protest Movement. 1934.   Greensboro, North Carolina may not jump into your mind as a shining civil rights city at first mention. But add 'lunch counter sit-in ', and searing black and white photographs fill many of our inner eyes.   Sitting on the "wrong" side of the legendary Greensboro Woolworth counter. 1963.   The ironic development this week from the 2016 GOP Carnivale of Idiocy is soul satisfying. T'Rump got a firmly worded and unequivocal No(!) for once in his life. Fist bumps and kudos to the [...]

5-27-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Devastating!

Hillary Clinton has been caught in massive lies about her private email server, as detailed in the State Dept's IG report issued yesterday. We'll have all the details on why this IS a big story. Vice News' Jason Leopold (aka the FOIA Terrorist) who filed the first FOIA requests for Clinton's emails guests. Plus, Bernie-crat Alex Law, candidate for Congress from NJ, visits in hour 1.

4-1-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Foolish Games

Nicole Sandler continues to point out how the media – especially MSNBC – has been pushing Hillary Clinton and undermining Bernie Sanders, with Rachel Maddow fully on board with the deceptive tactics. Hillary Clinton used Maddow’s twisted description of Bernie Sanders’ reaction to the Trump ‘punish the women’ comments in her rallies yesterday, causing Nicole to wonder if Clinton really wants her vote if she wins. Yesterday was International Transgender Day of Visibility, so Boca Britany Somers joins Nicole in studio to talk about the new NC LGBT discrimination law. Kelly Carlin is in town for shows tonight and tomorrow night at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach, and shares her thoughts on her dad’s life and legacy, her book, Garry Shandling, politics and more.

By |April 1st, 2016|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 4-1-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Foolish Games

3-31-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Et Tú, Maddow?

Rachel Maddow has officially jumped the shark, carrying water for her corporate overlords (Comcast) and the Hillary Clinton campaign. Audio doesn't lie. Nicole takes off the gloves this morning. Plus Driftglass and Howie Klein join in to talk about our collective electoral insanity and more!

The Great Trump Dumpster

Via The San Diego Union Tribune   "It's the Summer of Trump!", barked the small mouth in the tier below the Hair System of the Donald. [It has Staff, Mark Halperin was recently spotted bribing them with State Fair discount coo-puns.] At least that's what THEY say. Donald is either a closeted and devoted polytheist or has a constant Judgmental Cadre of Trump! experts in his earpiece. Which, yes, is most definitely wired into the-absolutely-greatest-on-earth-the-BEST Hair System. Only Losers rely on Bluetooth. And have contractual obligations to 'God'. After giving free helicopter rides to GOP kidlets in Iowa [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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