
Tonight, the long-awaited first debate between the two contenders for the presidency in 2012 is here. I fear it will be a giant let-down.  As much as I'd like for Mitt Romeny to "just be Mitt", he'll really just recite the answers that have been scripted for him on the subjects the candidates have been given in advance. Yesterday, I guest hosted the Randi Rhodes Show (thanks, Randi!), and played some of the mock-debate scene from HBO's The Newsroom.  If you haven't yet seen it, I encourage you to watch, as it's the only time you'll see any such debate [...]

The Solution To Our Problems

Want Medicare for All? Vote Progressive.  Want to end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? (Yes, we're still in Iraq.) Vote Progressive.  Want to end the big oil subsidies?  Vote Progressive. Want to encourage the development of clean energy? Vote Progressive.  Want our kids to have access to quality, public education? Vote progressive?  Want fair labor laws?  Vote Progressive.  Want gender and race equality?  Vote Progressive.  Want respect for teachers?  Vote Progressive.  And on and on and on we could go. Honestly.  If you wonder why we had to settle for shitty health care "reform" instead of single payer Medicare [...]

By |April 2nd, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Solution To Our Problems

The Scariest Thing This Halloween

I'm not nearly as scared of witches, ghosts and goblins as I am of over-zealous police officers following unconstitutional orders to break up peaceful encampments of protesters exercising their constitutional rights of assembly, protest and free speech. My respect today is reserved for one magistrate in Nashville, TN (Tennessee of all places), where Night Court Magistrate Thomas Nelson keeps letting the arrested protesters out! Via: However, in Nashville, a few hours after the protesters were taken into custody Thursday night, Night Court Magistrate Thomas Nelson let them all go. He did the same thing the next night when troopers brought in [...]

By |October 31st, 2011|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on The Scariest Thing This Halloween

Just Another Day in America

I have to spend most of the day on the phone fighting with health insurance companies. I started today's show explaining what that's all about... I spoke with emptywheel's Marcy Wheeler about Occupy Wall Street, the latest bullshit thwarted "terror plot" and our experience in Washington DC at Rep. Dave Camp's office... Crooks and Liars' founder, and one of the three members behind the Blue America PAC, John Amato joined me to talk about the C&L Occu-Pie pizza deliveries to 25 occupations around the country and lots more. And I played Ted Rall's speech calling for a revolution Thursday night [...]

By |October 12th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Just Another Day in America

Why There’s No Coverage of #OccupyWallStreet on Your TV: Corporate Media Sucks

If you're wondering what's going on in NYC near Wall Street and in other cities around the world in the "global revolution", you're probably looking in the wrong places.  To see what's happening in New York City, you'll have to go to Al Jazeera or find the live feed online.  (I'm happy to assist you with that live feed here): globalrevolution on Broadcast Live Free Unfortunately,the stream is not very reliable, but it's better than the coverage you'll get watching any of the major networks or even the cable news channels. If you're wondering why there seems to be [...]

By |September 19th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Why There’s No Coverage of #OccupyWallStreet on Your TV: Corporate Media Sucks

It’s 2011. Time To Get Back To Work!

Here we go. Welcome to the New Year. We certainly have our work cut out for us. I live in South Florida. Or, I should say, Flori-DUH. This is the state that elected a criminal as our next governor. Rick Scott's former company Columbia HCA (he built it from the ground-up) paid a record $1.7 billion in fines for Medicare fraud and pleaded guilty to 14 felony charges. Oh yeah, this is going to be interesting times in Florida. If you thought things couldn't get much worse, my new Congressman is the one and only Allen West. I'll talk Flori-DUH [...]

By |January 3rd, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on It’s 2011. Time To Get Back To Work!

Counting down to 2011

I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Christmas holiday. Personally, I couldn't let go of the stories shared with us on Wed and Thursday on The Randi Rhodes Show, so I spent the Christmas weekend putting together a website to help.  Please check it out at, and use it according to your needs and abilities. I'm taking a bit of a holiday from my show this week, sharing some of the highlights from the music years of my radio career.  This morning we listened to interviews with and performances by Graham Parker, Chrissie Hynde (Pretenders), Jackson Browne, Natalie Merchant and [...]

By |December 27th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Counting down to 2011

The Evil Bar Reaches New Highs (Lows)

We're just three weeks and a day away from election day.  I know, midterms don't excite the masses, and the Dems aren't exciting the base.  But the old adage of voting for the lesser of two evils should be on everyone's lips today. I'm in the process of moving in with my boyfriend who lives in Florida's 22nd Congressional District.  This place drives home the meaning of that statement.  I'm no fan of Ron Klein's... but not for the reasons the Republicans are telling me not to vote for him.  Klein is just too damned conservative for me.  However, one [...]

By |October 11th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Evil Bar Reaches New Highs (Lows)

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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