2-5-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Good News Thursday

Nicole Sandler reports on good news for a change! FreePress.net's Tim Karr joins in to talk about the about face on Net Neutrality. And the Gliberal Goddesses (Nicole, GottaLaff, Amy Simon) gather to talk about the media, Brian Williams' war stories, and lots more

Years of Living Misogynistically

misogyny Syllabification: mi·sog·y·ny Pronunciation: /məˈsäjənē NOUN Dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women:she felt she was struggling against thinly disguised misogyny Welcome to 2014 - the year Misogyny went mainstream. Yesterday, the highest court in the land codified women's place as second class citizens into law with its misdirected and horribly wrong decision in the Hobby Lobby case. But the five Christian men on the court took it even a further step by saying that corporations religious rights trump the rights of said corporations' actual living, breathing female employees'! And this isn't the first time the Roberts-Alito-Scalia-Thomas-Kennedy court has ruled [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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