Happy Indigenous Peoples Day!

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day! Nicole kicks off another week with Howie Klein on the political landscape three weeks before election day. Aaron Krager was in Ferguson over the weekend for #FergusonOctober, two months after Mike Brown was killed. Plus an update on the high school threats last week.

It’s the Economy, Stupid (and the Military Industrial Complex too)

There's no doubt that the spark that lit the fuse in Ferguson was the police shooting of Michael Brown. But you have to wonder how much anger was simmering, how much people were already hurting from decades of building racial tensions and the fact that so many of them are hurting financially. I don't often agree with Chris Matthews, but he hit the nail on the head last night The disturbing cell phone video of the other killing of a black man in Missouri by police bullets, this one on Tuesday, was released yesterday. We were told that this one [...]

By |August 21st, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on It’s the Economy, Stupid (and the Military Industrial Complex too)

Oh Captain, My Captain

The world lost a real treasure yesterday. Robin Williams gave us the gift of countless verses, of howls of hilarity, gleeful giggles and even snort-inducing snickers. For the laughs, I'll be forever grateful. But he also had the ability to get truly serious, and to bring us to tears. His performances in Dead Poets Society, Good Will Hunting, Good Morning Vietnam, Mrs. Doubtfire and even the under-appreciated Jumanji are among my favorites. But there were so many more thought-provoking, risk-taking roles (What Dreams May Come comes to mind) that made up the wealth of work he'll leave behind and insure [...]

Rape is Rape – in Cleveland or in the Military!

Yes, we had some technical difficulties on the show today, but I seem to have the problems fixed, finally.  We'll be back Monday with phones in working order. In the meantime, it was a good thing I had lots to talk about, as we weren't able to get any of our guests on the line. But we did talk a bit about the horrific revelations coming out of Cleveland's house of horrors - and the horrific reality of sexual assault in the US Military. Wired has the details on the Air Force Chief of Sexual-Assault Prevention's arrest on sexual battery [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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