Saving Democracy (or Bernie Sanders is My Hero!)

Here I am in Washington DC with a free day!  Yes, there was a march from the mall up to the Capitol and a group of people went in to try to see John Boehner (his office called the police and the citizens were told to leave or they'd be arrested). As I was standing at the labor rally calling for good jobs in the shadow of the Capitol, an email arrived from Senator Bernie Sanders' office alerting me that he had introduced the first constitutional amendment in his entire congressional career.  It's called The Saving American Democracy Amendment, and [...]

Filibuster Showdown

Could we really see an end to the dysfunction in the Senate? Perhaps not totally, but we could start down the road to reform tomorrow when the 112th Congress gets underway. I just taped an interview with historian/author/professor emerita at UCLA Joyce Appleby that will run on this morning's show.  To be honest, I didn't know of Joyce until I read her New Years Day piece on Huffington Post, The Urgency of a Senate Rule Change.  I then found an op-ed she wrote for the LA Times: "The Senate filibuster: Time for a change". After hearing the history of the [...]

Filling in for Randi Rhodes today

Randi's headed to NY to guest on Joy Behar's TV show tonight, so I'll be filling in for her today.  And that's a good thing, as there's so much to talk about today... I ran out of time this morning on my show! We'll start the show with some examples of the opposite world in which the right lives.  In their world, up is down and wrong is right.  I'll give you a list of some examples, and then ask for your best instances of the right wing hypocrisy... My guests will include Howie Klein, who blogs at and [...]

Progressive Pennsylvana Primary

Sorry about the title..I have a thing for alliteration! That aside, tomorrow is the Pennsylvania primary, in which progressive Congressman Joe Sestak challenges Republican turned Democratic Senator Arlen Specter for the Democratic party nomination. Sestak is on a roll.  According to  The Washington Post, Sestak is surging and, according to Bob Schieffer, the White House is preparing for a Sestak win! In case you missed it.. I guest-hosted the Randi Rhodes Show on Friday, and Joe Sestak was my guest.  Click here (or on the player at the top of the post) to hear our conversation.

By |May 17th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Progressive Pennsylvana Primary

What If Martha Coakley loses?

Let's consider the possibilities. Conventional wisdom says that health care dies with her senatorial bid. Not so fast, my friend. And, honestly, it might work out for the best! To those who are saying that the House would just have to pass the Senate bill as it stands so that they wouldn't need 60 votes in the Senate again, I say it's that kind of thinking that took Single Payer off the table even before dinner was cooking! Let's face it, we were sold out by the same Democrats who promised us change. Instead of change, we got more of [...]

By |January 18th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on What If Martha Coakley loses?

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