
Announcement! has now officially moved to So if you want to watch, listen, and/or read anything from Nicole Sandler and me, go to the brand spankin' new site! My "Laffy's Place" tab there even has its own URL: if you want to go directly to my posts. To repeat: is now the URL for Nicole's radio show, Laffy's Place, and links to all other features on the site. And is teaming up with Randi Rhodes (!!), whose show Nicole will be producing!   More news: Nicole's show (where I've been showing up for my weekly segment every Tuesday for years) will start [...]

1-21-15 Happy Anniversary to Us!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, January 20, 1015   The Nicole Sandler Show Celebrates Five Years of Radio or Not!   CORAL SPRINGS, FL – January 21, 2015 will mark the 5th anniversary of The Nicole Sandler Show at, featuring an entertaining mix of news and commentary, long-form interviews on the issues of the day, with a generous sprinkling of comedy, music and fun. The story begins on January 21, 2010, when free speech in America took two devastating hits.   On the same day the Supreme Court issued its decision in the Citizens United case, overturning more than a [...]

By |January 21st, 2015|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 1-21-15 Happy Anniversary to Us!

Protect Your Radio

Just shy of a week after Randi Rhodes said goodbye to her radio show, Ed Schultz announced he's ending his radio program too. I have no idea what the circumstances are surrounding this decision, but I am disappointed that he gave no notice, leaving stations to scramble, and that he didn't do this before Randi left the air, as there's the possibility, with time opening up on some stations, that her should could have survived. Either way, that's water under the bridge now...  I understand that Thom Hartmann will now move his show back to the noon-3pm ET time slot, [...]

Protect Your Media

  As I was preparing myself to hit the air this morning and hold myself together in the wake of losing my loving dog Sasha yesterday, I was hit with more bad news... Clear Channel is killing yet another of the remaining handful of progressive talk stations. This time, it's Denver's AM760 that's headed for slaughter. Back in October, I guest hosted the Gloria Neal Show - their local morning program. Glo informed her listeners of her show's demise and the planned format change this morning via Facebook: Gloria Neal 15 hours ago near Denver, CO If you know me, you know [...]

One More For the Road, With Thanks

Today I'll be guest hosting The Randi Rhodes Show for the last time, as the show is going off the air two weeks from today. I've had the honor of sitting at Randi's microphone for 4 1/2 years now, and I never took for granted the trust or responsibility that entailed. Randi trusted me with her listeners, and I hope I never let her down. Randi is a pro - one of the very best in the business. She is more thoroughly researched and knowledgeable than anyone else on the air, and the fact that her voice will be missing [...]

By |May 2nd, 2014|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on One More For the Road, With Thanks

Radio’s Goddess Retiring

As you likely know by now, The Randi Rhodes Show is ending in a few weeks. I'm guest hosting for her for one final week - beginning today. Then she'll return Monday to finish off her last two weeks. I sent the following out to my email list this morning. (Scroll down for the form to subscribe to our emails). Radio's Goddess Retiring Sorry it's been so long since my last email update. I try not to send too many of these, but if ever there was a time to check in, it's now. The Randi Rhodes Show is ending on May [...]

By |April 28th, 2014|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Radio’s Goddess Retiring

No Pope Radio… er Rubio

If Marco Rubio is the Republicans savior, maybe he can just skip to Rome  to replace the pontiff. Ah yes, the pope jokes were flying on the twitters this morning.  But there's really nothing funny about this pope who has turned a blind eye to the sexual abuse of young boys by his priests.  So, I figured I'd steal the headline from the not funny No Soap Radio non-joke.  Unfortunately, Marco Rubio will likely be around a lot longer than the Benedict...  Not only did Time magazine declare him the GOP savior, he'll be delivering the Republican response to tomorrow [...]

Top Kill

If we didn't know better, you'd probably think I was reviewing a new Rambo film.  Unfortunately, we can't kill this oil well in the gulf as easily as Sylvester Stallone could gun down his enemy.  (I apologize if I got the imagery wrong, but I've never seen a Rambo film.) Yes, I'm preoccupied with the gusher in the gulf, as everyone should be. I truly fear for the future of life on the planet if they don't get this thing stopped soon.  You'll notice the streaming video and estimated gallons leaked counter (courtesy of PBS Newshour and NPR).  It'll remain [...]

By |May 26th, 2010|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Top Kill

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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