Happy Holidays 2024

I can't say I'm sad to see 2024 come to a close, and I'm not thrilled about what's in store for us in 2025. But it is what it is and we'll get through it. I am so grateful for the listeners and supporters who keep this show going. Thank you for hanging with me through the ups and the downs. I faced a few health challenges this year - getting old sucks, but it beats the alternative, I guess. So I'm following doctors and your orders and taking some time off to rest, recuperate and regroup to come back [...]

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Announcement! RadioOrNot.com has now officially moved to NicoleSandler.com. So if you want to watch, listen, and/or read anything from Nicole Sandler and me, go to the brand spankin' new site! My "Laffy's Place" tab there even has its own URL: LaffysPlace.com if you want to go directly to my posts. To repeat: NicoleSandler.com is now the URL for Nicole's radio show, Laffy's Place, and links to all other features on the site. And NicoleSandler.com is teaming up with Randi Rhodes (!!), whose show Nicole will be producing!   More news: Nicole's show (where I've been showing up for my weekly segment every Tuesday for years) will start [...]

9-16-15 Arrrgh!! No Show Again Today!

 Well, we got two shows in before everything went to hell again! When last we spoke, I told you that Alienware, the brand of the computer that's turned my life into a living hell for the better part of the last year, helped me get the machine up and running. In fact, it was operating better than it had since... well, since I've had it. But it still wasn't right, and Alienware's next mode of attack was to send someone out to replace the audio card and motherboard to which it is attached.This was my fourth visit by an Alienware-contracted techie. [...]

9-10-15 No Nicole Sandler Show again

One of the worst things about running a media empire from my home studio is that I don't have an IT staff.Last year, a generous listener sent me a donation to be used for a new machine from which to run my show. As he works with computers, he suggested I check out the Alienware line. They're gaming computers, and are able to handle a lot of stuff going on at the same time.Unfortunately, this computer has never worked right. Aside from the usual glitches (programs hanging up on start and non-responsiveness), my biggest problems were the audio issues.Regular listeners [...]

Best New Thing: The Oregon High Tech Gay Bears on Maddow

  Maddow brought The Bears. We were delighted with the hologrammed owl already featured, imagine many regular Maddow watchers are fans of her quirky April Fool humor that prompts just these sorts of things on messnbc air Live … that Jon Stewart and John Oliver must salute … but 'Da Gay Librul' Pacific Coast Tech Bears were a triumph. Meet C.J. Phillips and Charlie Rainwater - pictured above, as a matter of fact, the self-described high-tech gay 'bears' who had the liberal foresight to purchase the domain name for www.JebBushForPresident.com back in 2008 -- and are instead using the site [...]

Tom Cotton Makes A Finer Fool of Himself v Howard Dean

These are the days it pays to put on the Orvis Waders and watch Morning Schmoe and Meeka at dawn’s arse crack. So you don’t have to. Skeletons in the GOP Way Back Machine … Dog Bless the Internets. Prior fetid statements from the fresh senator that Progressive Arkansans may be already cotton to. […]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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