We’re Going to the Dogs

On Friday afternoon, twitter was all a-tweet with the news that MSNBC had suspended Keith Olbermann - INDEFINITELY! - because he had the hubris to donate to three political campaigns... without asking permission from the corporation first! That's the important part.  Not the fact that someone working for this news organization made a political contribution, but that he didn't ask permission first!  Seriously?!?!  This is the corporatocracy of which we've been warned.  (And the right screams of 'facism'? Seriously?) Well, after a weekend of hand-wringing and petition signing, MSNBC chief Phil Griffin this morning announced that Keith will be back [...]

Filling in for Randi Rhodes Today, 3-6pm ET

**Podcast audio finally posted*** I only have a few minutes before air time, but wanted to let you know who's on the show today, and give you links to follow up on what you hear! Tune in for a funny story about how Laffy (aka @GottaLaff), who blogs at ThePoliticalCarnival.net gained @keitholbermann as a follower on Twitter! BTW, here's the video we'll be talking about: I'll chat with Ted Deutch, who's running in a special election to fill our favorite former Congressman (Robert Wexler)'s seat. The election is today, so if you're in his district here in Florida, get out [...]

By |April 13th, 2010|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Filling in for Randi Rhodes Today, 3-6pm ET

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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