10-8-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Everything You Need to Know About Kurdistan & SCOTUS is Back

   Donald Trump is playing dangerous games in Syria with Turkey and the Kurds. On Monday, he said he's pulling out of Syria and allowing Turkey to come in, which leaves our allies, the Kurds in a really bad situation. Since so many of us know so little about Kurdistan, I pulled out an interview I did in 2015 with the Kurdistan Regional Representative to the US, Bayan Rahman. I promise you'll learn something! Then, the Supreme Court is back in session, today hearing three cases joined together to ask if companies should be allowed to discriminate against gay [...]

By |October 8th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 10-8-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Everything You Need to Know About Kurdistan & SCOTUS is Back

Gliberal Goddesses

Today, we inaugurated a new segment on the show - The Gliberal Goddesses! It's GottaLaff, Amy Simon and myself talking about things that women talk about, the way women talk about them. Today we discussed the Ray Rice domestic violence case and the NFL's sad response to it. So great to hear from Keith Olbermann again! While I agree with him, I also agree with Whoopi Goldberg We also discussed some Pat Robertson insanity (nothing new there), and the most outrageous comment of the day, this time from Geraldo Rivera... I don't think we'll have trouble filling this segment in [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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