7-30-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Crazy Thursday, But Howie Klein is Here

Download here or click below to play   The day began with a bunch of breaking news stories -- Herman Cain dead from COVID-19, the GDP took a major dump, and Trump floats the idea of postponing the November 3 election. Nice try, but no way! We'll cover all of the breaking news and then some. And then Howie Klein joins in from Down with Tyranny and the Blue America PAC. And we'll be joined by Adam Christensen, candidate running for Congress from FL-3 to fill the seat soon to be vacated by the heinous Ted Yoho. Today's funny was [...]

By |July 30th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 7-30-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Crazy Thursday, But Howie Klein is Here

So Long, Farewell Blitz … er Cain

It's time we bid adieu to Herman "Herb" (Koch-) Cain.  The pizza man who would be president is now "reassessing" his campaign in the wake of another woman coming forward.  This time, it's Ginger White who says she had a 13-year affair with the married man.  Yes, the same man who stated "I have never done anything inappropriate with anyone. Period." Enter Ginger White, a woman claiming to have been in an almost 14-year affair with the lying hypocrite. Georgia Woman Claims 13-Year Affair with Herman Cain: MyFoxATLANTA.com Now, let me explain my vitriol. Honestly, I think what two people [...]

By |November 29th, 2011|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on So Long, Farewell Blitz … er Cain

Today’s Show – Wed Nov 9

I don't know when or where this picture was taken - but it was obviously a few years ago, and is obviously Herman (Koch) Cain standing right next to Sharon Bialek.  Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive .... I opened the show this morning with some of Koch-Cain's more obvious lies and sickening statements...  Then we moved on to some good news.  After hearing today's  90 Second Summary from Main Street Insider I spoke with Jeremy Koulish about yesterday's election results -- it turned out to be a pretty good day [...]

By |November 9th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Today’s Show – Wed Nov 9

Today’s Show – Tuesday Nov 8

It's election day! But it's an off-off year, meaning that many people don't think they need to vote. However, in Ohio and Mississippi, it's mandatory today!  Troubles at Occupy Wall Street?  GottaLaff has a new Blunt webisode.  And poor Koch-Cain is in a whole lotta hot water...  All on today's show... Blogger Fritz Tucker has been going to Zuccotti Park to participate in Occupy Wall Street, and made some observations that should be of interest to all concerned about the future of the movement.   He joined me on the show this morning to talk about "A Chill Descends on [...]

Today’s Show – Monday Nov 7

Today, I was joined by Jamie Henn - Communications and Development Director of 350.org and TarsandsAction.org about yesterday's massive march and rally at the White House. Alan Rosenblatt was my guest to talk about the "Faux 15" - the 15 so-called "jobs bills" that have passed the Boehner House and are now "stuck in the Senate"... Here's the list on Canter's site, and here's how Nancy Pelosi's site explains them. This is how @drdigipol tweeted them out (posted newest to oldest: drdigipol Alan Rosenblatt There r the faux 15 #jobs bills passed by House. They kill jobs, kill people, & put air, [...]

By |November 7th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Today’s Show – Monday Nov 7

BofA cancels Debit Fees – A Victory for the Protesters

Today's reversal by Bank of America on their proposed $5 monthly fee for users of debit cards shows that our voices are being heard.  A few people who know what they're talking about offer some advice... Last night, former NY Governor Eliot Spitzer (who probably could have become president if only he could have kept his dick in his pants) appeared on Countdown with Keith Olbermann and gave the protesters a few ideas: Rick Perlstein gave some pointers via his blog at Crooks and Liars An excerpt: ...the reason the Occupiers have changed attitudes in politicians, or at least become [...]

By |November 1st, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on BofA cancels Debit Fees – A Victory for the Protesters

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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