If the Hood Fits

Wow. the truth hurts, huh? Those teabaggers can dish it out, but it seems they can't take it.  Must be the thin sheets skin. Alan Grayson's email was tame, especially compared with the vile hatred he's received since then.  When I asked what kind of response they've seen, the congressman's office sent me a sampling of some of the emails - which really underscore the fact that Grayson's analogy was spot on. From “Kip”: “Well, I would like to inform you that you are equated to a German Nazi!!! … I hope they drum your sorry a** out the next [...]

By |October 24th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on If the Hood Fits

The Morning After

OK, so I was wrong with a couple of my predictions.  Florida's loathsome Attorney General, Bill McCollum, will not be running for Governor after all. Perhaps it was his decision to take Florida's taxpayers money to spearhead a misguided attempt by a group of AGs to sue  the federal government over the health care law.  But whatever the reason, the Republicans of Florida decided that the sleazy billionaire Rick Scott--who didn't bother to show up at any debates with his opponent, including one just four days ago where he sent his mother in his stead-- would make a better candidate! [...]

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