2-4-20 Nicole Sandler Show -Impeachment, Caucuses, State of the Union and Tuesday with @GottaLaff

Just click to play: or download here Too bad there's nothing much happening in the news to discuss today with GottaLaff during our regular Tuesday get-together... Only the end of the impeachment trial of Donald Trump, the mess that was the Iowa caucuses and tonight's State of the Union address. I'm sure we'll find something of interest to talk about....

By |February 4th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-4-20 Nicole Sandler Show -Impeachment, Caucuses, State of the Union and Tuesday with @GottaLaff

2-4-20 Nicole Sandler Show -Impeachment, Caucuses, State of the Union and Tuesday with GottaLaff

Just click to play: or download here Too bad there's nothing much happening in the news to discuss today with GottaLaff during our regular Tuesday get-together... Only the end of the impeachment trial of Donald Trump, the mess that was the Iowa caucuses and tonight's State of the Union address. I'm sure we'll find something of interest to talk about....

By |February 4th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-4-20 Nicole Sandler Show -Impeachment, Caucuses, State of the Union and Tuesday with GottaLaff

5-9-16 Nicole Sandler Show – The Day the Democratic Party Left Me

Nicole tells about her experience running to be a Bernie Sanders delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia this summer, and her reasons for thinking the party will self-destruct before giving Bernie Sanders a fair shake. It's Monday, so Joel Silberman injects some dignity and words of wisdom as we inch closer to the general election.

3-29-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Just Say No (To Corporate Media)

Nicole Sandler calls out the media for its role in turning the 2016 election into a farce. GottaLaff tells how the LA Times showed its bias this week. Claire Conner returns to the show to help trace the GOP insanity back to her childhood with the John Birch Society. And Tim Canova, the congressional candidate challenging Debbie Wasserman Schultz returned. Plus tone matters, Susan Sarandon speaks out and lots more.

By |March 29th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 3-29-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Just Say No (To Corporate Media)

2-24-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Star&%ckers

Nicole Sandler discusses the results of the NV GOP caucus which saw Trump winning with 46% of the vote! Fellow FloriDUHian Deborah Newell is back with some stories from the FloriDUH files. Huffington Post's Ryan Grim tells us about the still-growing heroin epidemic in the US and how DC isn't helping.

By |February 24th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-24-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Star&%ckers

2-22-16 Quick Morning News

   Victoria Jones created and edits Quick Morning News. She is chief White House correspondent with Washington DC-based Talk Media News, where her insight and analysis are made available to over 400 news talk radio stations around the country and internationally. Quick NewsRepublicans: South Carolina t-rompDemocrats: Nevada squeaker5 takeaways: South Carolina, NevadaCandidates' CornerTrump on Iraq War: ConfuuusingKalamazoo shootingsSCOTUS: 8 to hear arguments todaySenators: Scalia on agenda Republicans: South Carolina T-romp (AP, AP, me)• Donald Trump staved off mainstream party rivals in South Carolina as well as Iowa winner Sen Ted Cruz (R-Texas) with a resounding victory to advance a high-flying campaign that seemed [...]

By |February 22nd, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-22-16 Quick Morning News

2-2-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Next Stop, New Hampshire!

Nicole recaps yesterday's first in the nation caucus in Iowa - a nailbiter on the Democratic side, and a spanking for Trump. We check in across the pond with UKProgressive's Denis Campbell for a first-hand account of how single payer health care works in England during a real medical emergency. And it’s Tuesday, so it’s @GottaLaff in hour two!

By |February 2nd, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-2-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Next Stop, New Hampshire!

2-2-16 Quick Morning News

   Victoria Jones created and edits Quick Morning News. She is chief White House correspondent with Washington DC-based Talk Media News, where her insight and analysis are made available to over 400 news talk radio stations around the country and internationally. It's Groundhog Day again. again  Quick NewsCruz wins Iowa, Trump loser, Rubio strong thirdTrump was out-organizedClinton claims win / Sanders, Clinton - tight raceClinton: "Big sigh of relief"Obama/Ryan/McConnell: Huddle-hug todayPressure mounts to stay in AfghanistanRio Olympics to go ahead despite Zika Cruz Wins Iowa: Trump Loser: Rubio Strong Third (NYT, AP, WaPo, WSJ, Politico, me)• Sen Ted Cruz (R-Texas), powered by a surge [...]

By |February 2nd, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-2-16 Quick Morning News

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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