2-4-20 Nicole Sandler Show -Impeachment, Caucuses, State of the Union and Tuesday with @GottaLaff

Just click to play: or download here Too bad there's nothing much happening in the news to discuss today with GottaLaff during our regular Tuesday get-together... Only the end of the impeachment trial of Donald Trump, the mess that was the Iowa caucuses and tonight's State of the Union address. I'm sure we'll find something of interest to talk about....

By |February 4th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-4-20 Nicole Sandler Show -Impeachment, Caucuses, State of the Union and Tuesday with @GottaLaff

2-4-20 Nicole Sandler Show -Impeachment, Caucuses, State of the Union and Tuesday with GottaLaff

Just click to play: or download here Too bad there's nothing much happening in the news to discuss today with GottaLaff during our regular Tuesday get-together... Only the end of the impeachment trial of Donald Trump, the mess that was the Iowa caucuses and tonight's State of the Union address. I'm sure we'll find something of interest to talk about....

By |February 4th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-4-20 Nicole Sandler Show -Impeachment, Caucuses, State of the Union and Tuesday with GottaLaff

Yikes, it’s the “news” media! Duck and cover!

I would like nothing more than to ignore TV news, but because writing and commentating about it is what I do, and because one cannot ignore what goes on around one, we, I,  cannot afford to do that. So I keep watching. Being uninformed is not an option. Being misinformed by those who report the news is worse. Day after day, I cringe as I watch and listen to what passes for reporting and how it is reported. Every so often, a rant is in order. Today is one of those every-so-oftens. Most of the quotes below are my own creations in [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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