Back to 1864 & 2022 with Bill Baird on Birth Control & Abortion on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-10-24

 I'm new to Arizona. We moved here from Florida for a number of reasons, chief among them was the fact that AZ was trending bluer while FL has become Fascist Central. Well, yesterday Arizona's Supreme Court reinstated a law that was in effect until 1973 when Roe v Wade came into effect and legalized a woman's right to choose what happens with her own body. Since that 1864 law was never officially removed from the books it was still in effect once Roe was overturned. ARGHH. I attempted to get some AZ officials and others to discuss the ramifications [...]

By |April 10th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Back to 1864 & 2022 with Bill Baird on Birth Control & Abortion on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-10-24

Tripping for Mental Health & WTF AZ on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-9-24

     Another busy day in today's strange new world. We begin today with breaking news from my adopted state of Arizona where we moved from Floriduh because AZ was a bit less fascist... Well, today the AZ Supreme Extreme Court upheld an 1864 near total ban on abortions. The only exception is to save the life of the mother. Yeah, I'll have a few words on that one to start today's show. While we're on the subject of abortion, the orange weather vane backtracked on his promise of a national abortion ban yesterday only to be criticized by [...]

By |April 9th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Tripping for Mental Health & WTF AZ on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-9-24

It’s F%@cking Monday and We Have the F%@king News- Nicole Sandler Show 2-26-24

Grrr, it's Monday already. I try to escape from the real world on weekends so make an effort to avoid all news if possible. That makes Mondays even worse, as I start early catching up. Thankfully, Jonathan Larsen is here each Monday to share his reporting and tell us what went on while I was pretending nothing was happening... Jonathan writes a daily substack to share his work with you. Subscribe at Plus, I ventured out in to the world of AZ politics this weekend and it was a pleasant surprise!

By |February 26th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on It’s F%@cking Monday and We Have the F%@king News- Nicole Sandler Show 2-26-24

10-9-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Live from Arizona

  View on Zencastr   Well, we're here! I'm still getting my bearings in Arizona, but we found a house to rent in the town of Chandler, Arizona. We'll move in on Wednesday. In the meantime, with all that's going on in the world, I couldn't imagine being off the air for another week. So I'll slide into YouTube whenever possible during our regular time of 5pm ET/2 PT while we continue getting settled. I jokingly quipped that it's a good thing not much happened in the past three weeks, but yeah, I picked the wrong time to be off [...]

By |October 10th, 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 10-9-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Live from Arizona

3-22-21 Nicole Sandler Show – They Still Want To Keep You From Voting with Katie Hobbs

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)     Votes matter! Turnout in the 2020 presidential elections broke every record. The numbers are astounding.  And the fact that we had such record turnout while battling a global pandemic is even more incredible. Instead of celebrating the successes, dozens of state legislatures have introduced hundreds of pieces of legislation to restrict voting access in 2021! Arizona leads the nation in proposed voter suppression legislation in 2021. They've already introduced 24 restrictive bills this year, My guest today is Katie Hobbs, Arizona's [...]

By |March 22nd, 2021|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 3-22-21 Nicole Sandler Show – They Still Want To Keep You From Voting with Katie Hobbs

8-30-18 Nicole Sandler Show – Thursdays with Howie Klein

Nicole begins the show with an update on the news of the day. It's Thursday, so Howie Klein of Down with Tyranny and the Blue America PAC joins in to discuss the latest primary results and more GOP dirty tricks as we approach the midterm elections.

By |August 30th, 2018|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 8-30-18 Nicole Sandler Show – Thursdays with Howie Klein

Beware the Voter Scorned- Arizona Edition: ‘BradCast’ 3/24/2016

On today's BradCast, guest host Nicole Sandler of Radio Or Not chats with Ari Berman, author of Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America, who explains that many of the problems voters experienced Tuesday in Arizona are traced directly back to the Supreme Court’s gutting of the Voting Rights Act. He wrote about that at The Nation. Of course, he didn't absolve Maricopa County Recorder Helen Purcell for her decision to reduce the number of polling places from 211 to 60. That action and the chaos that ensued prompted attorney Adrian Fontes to challenge her for [...]

By |March 25th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Beware the Voter Scorned- Arizona Edition: ‘BradCast’ 3/24/2016

10-9-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Imagine Peace and Sanity

On what would have been John Lennon's 75th birthday, the US just passed the 14 year mark in our war in Afghanistan. Internally, the GOP is at war with itself, and the goings on in the GOP caucus more closely resemble a soap opera than an august legislative body. Comedian Julianna Forlano joins in to help Nicole make sense of the week. We end the week with a Flashback Friday musical blast from Nicole's radio past. Today, we go back to August 1994 with blues great John Hammond.

By |October 9th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 10-9-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Imagine Peace and Sanity

It’s the Supreme Court Stupid (aka Obama 2012)

Listen to this episode: {play} {/play} Podcast: Play in new window   While most of the corporate media spent all of yesterday talking about whether the Supreme Court's ruling on the constitutionality of Arizona's SB1070 was a win or loss for the Obama administration, they were missing the boat on the truly devastating decision handed down by the highest court in the land. In American Tradition Partnership, Inc. v. Bullock, according the summary at SCOTUS blog, the court overturn[ed] a Montana Supreme Court decision upholding a 1912 voter-approved ban on corporations’ spending of their own money on political campaigns in that [...]

By |June 26th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on It’s the Supreme Court Stupid (aka Obama 2012)

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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