3-25-16 Nicole Sandler Show – It’s Friday, That’s Good!

It’s Good Friday. Nicole likes to end the week on a lighter note, so today she welcomes comedian & host of the Indie Bohemians podcast, Ron Placone to the show to talk about his experience touring colleges and feeling the Bern. Plus your phone calls, Saturday caucuses in Alaska, Hawaii and Washington State, and a Flashback Friday musical blast from Nicole’s radio past… Billy Bragg from August 27, 2009 on Air America radio!

By |March 25th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 3-25-16 Nicole Sandler Show – It’s Friday, That’s Good!

1-6-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Stop the Gun Madness Already!

It's a busy Wednesday show, as Nicole attempts to recap the president's executive action on guns as he announced yesterday, and Bernie Sanders great speech on Wall Street and financial reform. Today's guests are Deborah Newell Tornello with our first dip into the Oy FloriDUH files for 2016. Igor Volsky of Think Progress joins in to talk guns and hypocrite Congressmen; and Billy Joe Bill, one of the attorneys for Tamir Rice's mother joins in too.

By |January 6th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 1-6-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Stop the Gun Madness Already!

4-17-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Friday Morning Fast Track TPP Blues

The long-expected bill to Fast Track the TPP was introduced in the senate yesterday. Nicole breaks down the specifics about the bad deal and explains what we can do to stop it. Monday marks the 5th anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon explosion. Antonia Juhasz tells what's changed since then. And we go back to Sept 1995 for Nicole's interview with the late, great Jeff Healey.

2-27-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Finally Friday!

If ever a weekend was needed, it's now! Nicole welcomes FreePress's Tim Karr back to the show for a celebration of the FCC's vote on Net Neutrality yesterday! A look a CPAC, and a new "Mean People Suck" segment too. And it's Dave Matthews from a 1999 interview with Nicole on Flashback Friday

By |February 27th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-27-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Finally Friday!

2-26-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Thursday Teach-In

In addition to the important news of the day, Nicole continues the dialog around her defense of Patricia Arquette's "equal rights for women" Oscars plea, and the backlash it its wake. Best of the Left's Jay Tomlinson reached out with some advice, and joins Nicole in the first hour. In hour two as the Gliberal Goddesses gather, we give She's History's Amy Simon center stage for a refresher course on the history of feminism in America.

2-5-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Good News Thursday

Nicole Sandler reports on good news for a change! FreePress.net's Tim Karr joins in to talk about the about face on Net Neutrality. And the Gliberal Goddesses (Nicole, GottaLaff, Amy Simon) gather to talk about the media, Brian Williams' war stories, and lots more

1-9-15 Art & Music vs the Madness

Nicole reflects on our very bad week and the effect that art can have - for good or for bad. Today's guests are award-winning editorial cartoonist Dan Perkins (Tom Tomorrow), and Rock & Roll Hall of Fame two time inductee Graham Nash. And a bonus Flashback Friday segment from 1999 with Lucinda Williams.

By |January 9th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 1-9-15 Art & Music vs the Madness

F Words: FOIA, Ferguson, FCC, Facts

Nicole kicks off Thanksgiving week with a look at the news- from the fight over immigration reform to the wait for a Grand Jury decision from Ferguson. Howie Klein joins in to talk about alternatives to Hillary Clinton, and Vice News' Jason Leopold reports on Ferguson, the CIA's torture report and the FCC's cozy relationship with the industry they're supposed to be regulating.

By |November 24th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on F Words: FOIA, Ferguson, FCC, Facts

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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