Absurdity is the New Reality

The late Frank Zappa was way ahead of his time. Yes, Absurdity is the new Reality! Just a glance at the day's news is evidence of that. I began today's show with the news that hell has frozen over. The best explanation I've seen thus far about the DC Circuit Court ruling that rendered Net Neutrality dead comes from Fox "News"'s Shepard Smith! And then, he called his corporate shill of a guest a "corporate shill!". Once you pick your jaw up off the ground, watch this: Today, the Senate Finance Committee (under the exiting Max Baucus) will mark up [...]

Don’t Drink the Water – or- Nowhere to Run

We're killing the planet. Actually, more accurately, we're making this planet uninhabitable. The picture above is one of a few I saw posted around the interwebs this morning of the "water" that's coming out of faucets in Charleston, WV today - after authorities gave the all-clear and said the stuff was safe to drink, bathe in, and give your kids. Lovely, huh? And even though information from Japan about what's going on at and around Fukushima is now non-existent due to a new state secrets law that prohibits the dissemination of information (and even prohibits journalists from asking the questions!), [...]

By |January 15th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Don’t Drink the Water – or- Nowhere to Run

High Hopes

When I heard we'd get a new Springsteen song called "High Hopes," I wondered if it was a new song or a cover of the old Sinatra "classic".  It was neither... From the liner notes to the forthcoming album, also called High Hopes (due out Jan 14, 2014), Springsteen wrote: I was working on a record of some of our best unreleased material from the past decade when Tom Morello (sitting in for Steve during the Australian leg of our tour) suggested we ought to add "High Hopes" to our live set.  I had cut "High Hopes," a song by Tim [...]

By |November 25th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on High Hopes

It’s Election Day, Do You Know Where Your Vote Is?

  I actually voted yesterday, by in person absentee ballot.  I know, that makes no sense, but remember - I live in FloriDUH!  The current criminal governor, Rick Scott, decided to cut the early voting period in half.  While we witnessed record lines, the Democratic Party of Florida filed a suit to extend early voting hours, a number of Supervisors of Elections of various counties took it upon themselves to offer this alternative: show up at their offices, have an absentee ballot printed on the spot, where you fill it in and turn it in.  Sounds simple, right? Unfortunately, Miami-Dade [...]

Politics, Religion and Music

Today's show was about all of these! Music and politics are probably my two favorite topics. Religion, notsomuch, which is one of the reasons we need to talk about it today! The show began with politics.  Details are emerging about the 49 state settlement with the five big banks on foreclosure fraud.  (Which state didn't sign on?  I know that's what you're asking yourself right now.  Answer in a moment.) David Dayen at FireDogLake probably had the best explanation of this piece of shit deal (which I read from on the air today) ...  and Mike Lux has some good [...]

By |February 9th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Politics, Religion and Music

Dylan Ratigan and John Fugelsang!

I know that Dylan Ratigan can be a bit polarizing. But today was the second time I've interviewed him, and I find him refreshingly honest and one of the few people who's not afraid to speak the truth. He joined me this morning to talk about his new book, Greedy Bastards, the need for real campaign finance reform and getting money out of politics entirely, and his Get Money Out organization merging with United Republic to effect real change. In case you need a reminder of the fire in Ratigan, remember back to August of last year: As if that [...]

By |January 26th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Dylan Ratigan and John Fugelsang!

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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