Protesters “Hate White People”, Rep. Pittenger of North Carolina???

    This professional grade revisioning is so cringeworthy it could hurt, fair warning. Regressives are just having a banging week. [Two take the urinal cake.] Mister Pittenger takes his cake for running a Fifties filter on life … until you run into a Trumpette that believes we are post-post-racial/sexist. […]

By |September 23rd, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Protesters “Hate White People”, Rep. Pittenger of North Carolina???

Sexual Assault Parsing By Women, About Women

Emma Sulkowicz, a senior visual arts student at Columbia University in New York City, carries a mattress in protest of the university’s lack of action after she reported being raped during her sophomore year. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)   Rarely does a roundtable make you pause and wish for an old fashioned VHS recorder, but Melissa Harris-Perry pulled that off brilliantly on Saturday with a highly needed and deeply uncomfortable discussion about women judging other women on sexual assault 'matters'. Buckle up. Women parsing rape? Themselves? How dare they. For background, they used the Hot Topic Columbia University "He [...]

Charlie Hebdo Must Live On

Image courtesy Cagle Cartoons   The freedom to say outrageous things is one of the most endearing tenets of true democracy. Witness a fiery fellow known as Thomas Paine. A couple of brash Democratic Nations were born by and of the rape and oppression of a monied class who had to control every piece of information, whisper and loyalty in order to continue their reign: these United States and the ballsy Rèpublique of la France. Both countries produce and value satirists, that rare breed who strive long and hard to share their truth -- and keep us citizens [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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