Follow the Money

Listen to this episode: {play } {/play} Podcast: Play in new window   Rmoney. Kind of says it all.  Except it's not our money.  Today on the show, we'll examine the money trail - who it's coming from and how it's being spent, as Lee Fang joins in from United Republic and the Republic Report.   Some of the stories we'll discuss: Florida Official Behind Gov. Rick Scott's Voter Purge Linked to 1 Billion Dollar Campaign Effort Against Obama EXCLUSIVE: Is JP Morgan Paying for John Boehner's Personal Polling Operation? Questions Surround Shadowy Front "New Models USA" Koch Network Alone [...]

By |June 4th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Follow the Money

The Other Abu Zubaidah

Listen to this episode: {play}{/play} Podcast: Play in new window Imagine for a moment that you have a brother who you haven't spoken with in many years who turns out to be a suspect in a terrorist plot.  That would suck, right?  Imagine further that because of your brother's alleged actions, you were detained for two years, then forced to become a government informant, made to infiltrate houses of worship to find information on people with whom you are in no way associated. It seems that that is exactly what happened to Hesham Abu-Zubaida, the brother of Hani Mohamed Abu-Zubaida [...]

By |May 30th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Other Abu Zubaidah

A Tale of Two Weekends

Listen to this episode: {play} {/play} Podcast: Play in new window   Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Chicago this weekend railing against, among other things, the fact that Mayor Rahm Emanuel authorized a remarkable $55 million to host the NATO summit, while a measly $2-3 million dollars is all it would take to keep some community mental health facilities open in that city, yet that funding has been cut.  The Center for Research on Globalization notes THE U.S. national security apparatus is mobilizing astonishing numbers of police for the NATO summit--and creating an atmosphere of fear [...]

By |May 21st, 2012|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on A Tale of Two Weekends

A Two-Fer Monday

{play}{/play}  Podcast: Play in new window Happy Monday! It's a busy day, as I'dd do my show, then head up to West Palm Beach to guest host the Randi Rhodes Show this afternoon... So, bear with me on brevity on the blog. This morning, there's a lot of news to cover.... we'll do that, speak with Rep. Patsy Keever- who won her primary against the DCCC conserva-Dem last week in North Carolina (the one bit of good news out of that state) in the first hour. In hour two, as we do every Monday, we'll hang with Crooks and Liars' [...]

By |May 14th, 2012|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on A Two-Fer Monday

Who Do You Love?

I love Joe Biden for saying this (and putting the ear worm in my head): Pretty awesome. I love France for kicking Sarkozy and his austerity agenda to the curb, and for electing their first Socialist president in almost two decades. Some of the things I love about President-elect Hollande: * Hollande opposes an economic policy based only on austerity and has promised to renegotiate the European fiscal compact to include provisions on jobs and growth; * Although he has pledged to balance public finances by the end of 2017, Hollande has also said he will adapt that target if growth [...]

It’s OK to Laugh

Although it seemed as I was alone in the chat room this morning, I thought both President Obama and Jimmy Kimmel were funny at the White House Correspondent's Dinner Saturday night.  Of course, I watched from my living room, having gotten no invitation to the soiree (unlike Kim Kardashian and Lindsay Lohan)... I've said this many times before; if we don't laugh, we'll cry.  When things are this fucked up, we need an escape, or three.  And laughter is, indeed, the best medicine. I appreciate that President Obama can laugh at himself, and take the barbs that Kimmel slung with a gigantic [...]

By |April 30th, 2012|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on It’s OK to Laugh

Solomon, Palast & Belle

No, Solomon, Palast & Belle isn't a law firm ... quite the opposite.  These three are people who do a lot of good - and happened to all be guests on my show this morning! We began with Norman Solomon, long time activist turned congressional candidate.  I always love talking with Norman, but wanted him on the show this morning so I could talk listeners into donating a few bucks to his campaign.  Extra impetus - your donation to Solomon's campaign (or to Dr. David Gill's) AT THIS LINK enters you into a drawing to win a Fender Stratocaster autographed [...]

By |April 23rd, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Solomon, Palast & Belle

The Elephant in the Womb!

I am Woman.  And the GOP has it in for me.  Oh yes, they twist everything around and claim that the Democrats and the Obama administration are the ones waging war on the fairer sex, but we know better. We know who wants being a woman to continue to be classified as a "pre-existing condition and having given birth as one too... even having been raped!  (Yes, that's the party that sides with the for-profit health insurance industry (extortionists).  We know who voted against the Violence Against Women Act and even the Lilly Ledbetter Act that would require equal pay [...]

Medical Marijuana Monday

You just know that the gang working on the Lawrence Welk Show was smoking pot. Here we are, decades later, and one man is making sure the senior citizens know how much a bit of the medical kush could help them Robert Platshorn spent 30 years in jail for smuggling pot back in the late 70s.  As a kid growing up in South Florida at the time, I probably smoked some of his imports.  Platshorn was sentenced to 64 years (!!!), but for good behavior and with parole, he got off easy.  Or not. Since his release, Robert has been [...]

By |April 9th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Medical Marijuana Monday

The Solution To Our Problems

Want Medicare for All? Vote Progressive.  Want to end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? (Yes, we're still in Iraq.) Vote Progressive.  Want to end the big oil subsidies?  Vote Progressive. Want to encourage the development of clean energy? Vote Progressive.  Want our kids to have access to quality, public education? Vote progressive?  Want fair labor laws?  Vote Progressive.  Want gender and race equality?  Vote Progressive.  Want respect for teachers?  Vote Progressive.  And on and on and on we could go. Honestly.  If you wonder why we had to settle for shitty health care "reform" instead of single payer Medicare [...]

By |April 2nd, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Solution To Our Problems

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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