12-18-20 Nicole Sandler Show – The Winter of Progressives’ Discontent with Norman Solomon

Download here or click below to play     The closer we inch towards January 20 and the end of Trump's reign of terror, the more unhinged the orange man becomes. I'll have the latest news on his scorched earth tactics. Congress is still paralyzed, and the government will officially shut down tonight if they can't come to a funding deal before midnight. Right before showtime, I happened to hear Bernie Sanders on the Senate floor delivering an impassioned speech calling for direct payments of $1200 for every working class American and $500 for children. Here's the video of his [...]

By |December 18th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 12-18-20 Nicole Sandler Show – The Winter of Progressives’ Discontent with Norman Solomon

8-14-20 Nicole Sandler Show – A Progressive Call to Action with Norman Solomon

Download here or click below to play     One of the progressive movement's stalwart elder statesmen is Norman Solomon. He's a journalist, activist, author, media critic and former Congressional candidate. He is a true progressive and has been walking the talk for decades. As co-founder of RootsAction.org, he launched a new campaign last week aimed at progressives who are not happy about having to vote for Joe Biden, called "Vote Trump Out"... Norman Solomon joins the show today to make the case to my progressive brothers and sisters for voting for Biden/Harris in swing states to get rid of [...]

By |August 14th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 8-14-20 Nicole Sandler Show – A Progressive Call to Action with Norman Solomon

8-11-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Berning Down the House

Bernie Sanders continues his record-breaking visit out west, with over 27K coming out to see him in LA last night. Some are still mad their concerns aren't being heard. Peace activist Norman Solomon joins in this morning to explain. Plus, the Gliberal Goddesses reconvene to talk about anything on our minds

Democracy in Action

Listen to this episode: {play }http://traffic.libsyn.com/radioornot/20120605_Nicole_Sandler_Show_-_Democracy_in_Action.mp3 {/play} Podcast: Play in new window I know. The majority of people in this country think election day is on a Tuesday in November.  But the uneducated, uninformed masses don't understand primaries, recalls and special elections.  On those fronts, today is a biggie! So - we the informed - must work overtime to get out the vote. Today is the day that Wisconsin can send the thieving, scheming, union-busting Scott Walker packing and put Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett into the governor's office to being undoing Walker's damage.  Also at stake are a few State [...]

A Tale of Two Weekends

Listen to this episode: {play} http://traffic.libsyn.com/radioornot/20120521_Nicole_Sandler_Show.mp3 {/play} Podcast: Play in new window   Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Chicago this weekend railing against, among other things, the fact that Mayor Rahm Emanuel authorized a remarkable $55 million to host the NATO summit, while a measly $2-3 million dollars is all it would take to keep some community mental health facilities open in that city, yet that funding has been cut.  The Center for Research on Globalization notes THE U.S. national security apparatus is mobilizing astonishing numbers of police for the NATO summit--and creating an atmosphere of fear [...]

By |May 21st, 2012|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on A Tale of Two Weekends

Solomon, Palast & Belle

No, Solomon, Palast & Belle isn't a law firm ... quite the opposite.  These three are people who do a lot of good - and happened to all be guests on my show this morning! We began with Norman Solomon, long time activist turned congressional candidate.  I always love talking with Norman, but wanted him on the show this morning so I could talk listeners into donating a few bucks to his campaign.  Extra impetus - your donation to Solomon's campaign (or to Dr. David Gill's) AT THIS LINK enters you into a drawing to win a Fender Stratocaster autographed [...]

By |April 23rd, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Solomon, Palast & Belle

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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