5-1-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Et Tu, Jon Stewart?

Nicole discusses her disappointment with the media's reaction to Bernie Sanders candidacy for president, including that of Jon Stewart. Our favorite Republican, John LeBoutillier, joins in to spar with Nicole over the issues. And we end the week with our Flashback Fri musical blast from the past- Nicole's 1994 interview with Barenaked Ladies

Solomon, Palast & Belle

No, Solomon, Palast & Belle isn't a law firm ... quite the opposite.  These three are people who do a lot of good - and happened to all be guests on my show this morning! We began with Norman Solomon, long time activist turned congressional candidate.  I always love talking with Norman, but wanted him on the show this morning so I could talk listeners into donating a few bucks to his campaign.  Extra impetus - your donation to Solomon's campaign (or to Dr. David Gill's) AT THIS LINK enters you into a drawing to win a Fender Stratocaster autographed [...]

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Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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