A Dog Lover, A Muslim, A Gay in the NBA..

  Yes, we talked about all three of those topics and more on today's show. I am the dog lover. The pups pictured above are mine.  Unfortunately, one of them is very sick.  Pooh Bear was diagnosed on Thursday with osteo-sarcoma - bone cancer. Of course, this has led me to a few days of reflecting on the dogs in my life, and how much they've all meant to me.  More coming on that eventually. In the meantime, we're keeping Pooh as comfortable as possible, watching her for guidance on what to do next... I was joined in the first [...]

By |April 29th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on A Dog Lover, A Muslim, A Gay in the NBA..

Alan Grayson vs the Fools on the Hill

  Mondays are always a bit difficult.  But coming back to dealing with the ineptitude of our broken political system was doubly difficult after an amazing weekend of music.  But deal we must, and who better to help navigate through the troubled waters than our favorite Congressman Alan Grayson? He led the charge from the House against President Obama's horrific budget proposal to cut Social Security benefits with chained CPI and higher rates for Medicare beneficiaries by writing a letter and helping to gather 2.3 million signatures on petitions, delivered to the White House last week. As for the Fools [...]

By |April 15th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Alan Grayson vs the Fools on the Hill

Et Tú, Obama?

By now, no one should be surprised that President Barack Obama is trying and trying and trying to appease the Republicans who so despise him by offering them everything including cuts to Medicare and Social Security benefits, but the lack of surprise doesn't stop the sting. President Obama will release a budget next week that proposes significant cuts to Medicare and Social Security and fewer tax hikes than in the past, a conciliatory approach that he hopes will convince Republicans to sign onto a grand bargain that would curb government borrowing and replace deep spending cuts that took effect March 1. Obama will break [...]

Ship of Fools

It's April Fools Day.  I toyed with the idea of spending the first part of the show spouting right wing talking points, but I realized a few things: There was nothing remotely funny about any of the stories I could have chosen from I realized that no one would believe me and it would be a huge waste of time The things we were going to discuss were more ridiculous than anything I could have conceived of myself... So, here we are. The biggest fool of them all has to be the new poster boy for the Republican Party, Dr. [...]

The Beginning of a Long Week

Last week's diversion into the troubled mind of Michelle Shocked was, in a sense, a fitting introduction to this week in which the Supreme Court will hear two cases that deal directly with Marriage Equality. Tomorrow and Wednesday will bring challenges to California's Prop 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act, respectively.  We'll cover both here on my show in the morning, and on the Randi Rhodes Show in the afternoon..  Yes, it's double-headers all week long... This morning on my show, music journalist Chris Willman will join in to give the postscript on the very sad Michelle Shocked saga. [...]

Rape, Rapists and Republicans

Today on the show we talked about the verdict in the Steubenville rape trial and about the insanity at CPAC.  And just moments after the show ended, a tweet crossed my stream from Mother Jones about this CPAC joke about Ashley Judd and rape.  Timing is everything, huh? CPAC: Where Ashley Judd Rape Jokes Happen bit.ly/15hDXEG — Mother Jones (@MotherJones) March 18, 2013   Although I took issue with Crooks & Liars proclaiming that Candy Crowley was "oozing sympathy" for the racists, the truth is that the media in general seemed to be more concerned about the rapists than they [...]

By |March 18th, 2013|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Rape, Rapists and Republicans

Anyone Else Missing an Hour? Schools? Media Responsibility?

Damn Daylight Savings Time.  Don't get me wrong. I like the fact that it stays light out later; I just hate losing an hour of valuable sleep time this time every year.  We should really pick a time and stick with it.  Unbelievably, Arizona does something right! Anyway, barring my tired status this morning, it was a busy show. I filled listeners in on our Saturday evening in the emergency room.  Alison had a softball injury that turned out to be a sprained index finger.  I erred on the side of caution, and will likely get  some interesting programming out [...]

By |March 11th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Anyone Else Missing an Hour? Schools? Media Responsibility?

Yesterday’s show

I never did get around to posting yesterday's show ... while on the air I got a call to guest host the Randi Rhodes Show yesterday afternoon - and then had to take my kid to her softball game the minute I got back home.  Needless to say, the day got away from me. So... links I promised:  Click for the audio from Wednesday's Supreme Court hearing on the Voting Rights Act. Click here for the transcript to follow along. And here's Nicole Belle's "Fools on the Hill" write up: There are times that you watch the Sunday shows and you [...]

By |March 5th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Yesterday’s show

And the Award Goes To….

  The morning after the Academy Awards, I'll hand out my own! We'll start with Jennifer Lawrence who won the Oscar for Best Actress.  Good for her.  Although she was great in the movie, I just like her.  I like her even more after seeing her flip someone off in the press room after winning last night. My awards from last night also go to Shirley Bassey for her "Goldfinger" performance, and the "We Saw Your Boobs" song.  It was funny.  People need to get a sense of humor. The "No More, Please" award goes to the red carpet crap. [...]

By |February 25th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on And the Award Goes To….

President’s Day Two-Fer

Yep, it's another double header today, so not much time for a lengthy post... you'll just have to listen:) This afternoon on the Randi Rhodes Show, I'll speak with the Amazing Kreskin (yes, he's still alive), Forbes' token liberal Rick Ungar, and Howie Klein will update us on how the solar panels on his house are working out for him, plus lots more.... On my show this morning, we talk about yesterday's Forward on Climate rally in DC, strange coincidences, and a lot more.  Of course since it's Monday, Nicole Belle joins in for "Fools on the Hill".  She brought [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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