12-3-21 Nicole Sandler Show – From the FOIA Master to Beatles Brilliance with Jason Leopold & Chris Willman

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   We've got a lot to jam into our last hour of the week today. We'll start with Jason Leopold, who has another two FOIA victories that earn him bragging rights. One of them resulted in 10 redacted passages from the Mueller report being made public. The other has to do with multiple allegations of CIA personnel and sex crimes involving children. The government nicknamed Jason "the FOIA Terrorist." Nope. He's the FOIA Master damn it. We'll move to a much more pleasant [...]

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The Beginning of a Long Week

Last week's diversion into the troubled mind of Michelle Shocked was, in a sense, a fitting introduction to this week in which the Supreme Court will hear two cases that deal directly with Marriage Equality. Tomorrow and Wednesday will bring challenges to California's Prop 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act, respectively.  We'll cover both here on my show in the morning, and on the Randi Rhodes Show in the afternoon..  Yes, it's double-headers all week long... This morning on my show, music journalist Chris Willman will join in to give the postscript on the very sad Michelle Shocked saga. [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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