World Gone Mad

As if we needed any more evidence that the world has, indeed, gone mad... Yesterday, ISIS released another video of one of their masked, cowardly, subhuman, heartless, soulless, thug terrorists beheading another American journalist, Steven Sotloff. Today's blog will be short, with just links to the people and stories I spoke with and about today, as I'm not feeling well and the news is making me even sicker... Dean Obeidallah was up first to discuss his latest for The Daily Beast, "It'll Take More Than Bombs to Stop ISIS". (When you're done with that, definitely click over to read, "Stop the [...]

Today’s Show

I thought we needed a little bit of an escape from the disaster that is Washington, DC these days - so I thought laughter would do us some good. Dean Obeidallah told us about his new film, The Muslims Are Coming , a comedy-documentary about a group of Muslim-American comedians traveling around the nation to do free shows (mostly in areas without many Muslims).  Hear that hour of the show by clicking here.  I thought we could all de-stress a bit too, something easier to do in Colorado now, as you don't need a prescription for it! I spoke with [...]

A Dog Lover, A Muslim, A Gay in the NBA..

  Yes, we talked about all three of those topics and more on today's show. I am the dog lover. The pups pictured above are mine.  Unfortunately, one of them is very sick.  Pooh Bear was diagnosed on Thursday with osteo-sarcoma - bone cancer. Of course, this has led me to a few days of reflecting on the dogs in my life, and how much they've all meant to me.  More coming on that eventually. In the meantime, we're keeping Pooh as comfortable as possible, watching her for guidance on what to do next... I was joined in the first [...]

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