Proof that hypocritical GOP cares nothing about protecting us from ISIS

For years, Rachel Maddow has been reporting on the willful obstructionism of Republican Congress members on all kinds of Democratic bills and, of course, any and all things proposed by President Obama. And with each GOP block, we Dems have become angrier and more frustrated. But now.I mean.Come on.Now. Now it's deadly serious. Now it's even more urgent.Now it's a matter of national security.The hypocrisy on the right is jaw-droppingly, stupidly, nauseatingly blatant, especially in light of all their chest pounding, big "tough" talk, belittling of President Obama's policies, faux bravado, threats, and misguided compulsion to "carpet bomb" Daesh (AKA ISIS, Islamic [...]

By |December 11th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Proof that hypocritical GOP cares nothing about protecting us from ISIS

“Unlimited funds to enrich defense contractors, Wall St., but not for investment in the people?”

Today's Los Angeles Times letters to the editor, because our voices matter: We spend billions on tools of war, benefiting a few, but we eschew spending for human purposes, never giving consideration to a democracy's responsibility to invest in its people to help share economic well-being and vote with a country-nurturing insight. Must funds always be unlimited for those things that enrich defense contractors or help Wall Street speculation but not for investment in the people? Jim Hoover, Huntington Beach

We the people need our own channel instead of being “terrorized by corporate cable news”

Couldn't have said it better myself: Here is a recent Los Angeles Times letter to the editor, because our voices matter: I will not let my jealousy of Rick Steves (for turning a passion for traveling into professional success) get in the way of congratulating him for his wonderful piece on the cable news-stoked fear gripping this country. The corporate media that create this fear damage our society in incalculable ways. ("Tune out cable news and turn away fear," Op-Ed, Nov. 4) As Steves says, their agenda is profit. But how could anyone not notice the ramping up of Islamic State [...]

Dark money is “bribery that happens to be legal.” #ThankYouSCOTUS

In today's Los Angeles Times is an interview by Patt Morrison with Daniel G. Newman. Newman is co-founder and president of a Bay Area-based organization called MapLight. This is an article that is well worth a read and a share or twelve: MapLight's database looks at big industries and big interests, their elected beneficiaries and their votes. "There's a river of money that affects everything in politics, and candidates and donors don't talk about it, so it's left to MapLight and other groups to expose it," Newman says. Nice to know there are groups like Newman's around to try to deal [...]

Fracking requires lots of water… from states struggling with drought

I write about fracking a lot (scroll), and for good reason. Did I mention that the Los Angeles Times reported that in Ohio, geologists have found a connection between fracking and earthquakes? Or that oil drilling and fracking are producing radioactive waste? Yet, we haven't heard a peep about Big Oil, Gas, and Fracking possibly killing newborns from those very same "pro-lifers" who hypocritically devote themselves to "saving babies." And let's not forget that fracking is linked to methane risks: “When methane concentrations are that high, water can bubble like champagne.” Salud! Awhile back I wrote Frackers are guzzling water supplies in drought states the way John Boehner [...]

By |September 3rd, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Fracking requires lots of water… from states struggling with drought

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