2-2-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Really Bad Reality TV

It's Thursday, so Howie Klein was with us. Before the show, he joked on Twitter No, I'm not going to discuss the $1.6 billion bribe to Trump on @nicolesandler's show today-- unless she forces the issue. https://t.co/8GpW6hAEgS — Howie Klein (@downwithtyranny) February 2, 2017 When I asked him about that, his mood changed as he explained that he received a threatening phone call telling him to take down that post. The call came from an unknown person, to his unlisted number. These are scary times. But as Howie reminded us, last week, 35% of Americans said they already wanted to [...]

By |February 2nd, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-2-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Really Bad Reality TV

1-13-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Final Friday Crossroads

I'll admit it: I never thought Donald Trump would or could be elected president. I somehow gave this country more credit. But it turns out that the dumbing down of America by Republicans really worked. Most citizens lack the capacity for critical thought. They went for the bright, shiny object. In this case, it was a man who lies prolifically, is a sexual predator who thinks he's better than everyone else. I could continue, but you get the idea. By the time I hit the air next Friday, D'ump will already have been sworn in as President of the United [...]

By |January 14th, 2017|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 1-13-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Final Friday Crossroads

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