4-24-15 Nicole Sandler Show – FUBAR!

Today, Nicole looks at things that are FUBAR in our world. Marijuana activist Robert Platshorn served over 3 decades imprisoned for pot. And Amy Ziering tells about her latest film, The Hunting Ground, about the rape epidemic on college campuses.

4-23-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Just Say Yes — and No!

Today, Nicole welcomes Howie Klein back to the show to talk about how 2016 is shaping up for Congressional races. Catherine Hiller, author of "Just Say Yes: A Marijuana Memoir" discusses her many decades of cannabis consumption. Plus, the latest on the TPP and more...

By |April 23rd, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 4-23-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Just Say Yes — and No!

3-10-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesday Traitors & Treason

Nicole discusses the latest outrage from today's Republican party- an open letter to the leaders of Iran trying to sabotage ongoing talks, an act she believes is treason. Attorney Michael Minardi tells about representing the first defendant in FL to get a not guilty verdict using medical marijuana as a defense. And GottaLaff is back!

By |March 10th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 3-10-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesday Traitors & Treason

This IS Your Grandma’s Weed, says 85 y/o GOP Fan of Legalization

  Love us a good Grandma defending, growing, selling or using The Herbal Remedy story. "It's not Republican to support prohibition," says Houston granny and recently widowed marijuana activist Ann Lee. Who happens to be 85 and vote Republican. [Or used to, time will tell.] As this article and video

2-3-15 Nicole Sandler Show – War on Drugs – and on Vaccines Too

Nicole tackles the war on drugs and the anti-vaccination movement. Journalist Johann Hari guests to talk about his new book, Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs. And Nicole goes back to 2010 for her interviews with defrocked Dr. Andrew Wakefield (the guy credited for the anti-vax trend) and Brian Deer, the journalist who exposed him.

By |February 3rd, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-3-15 Nicole Sandler Show – War on Drugs – and on Vaccines Too

VH1 Doing 19 Day SNL Marathon #WeAreNotWorthy!

Four hundred and thirty three hours of straight Saturday Night Live. If you live in Colorado or Oregon, this one might call for what my generation called a Doobie. For riveting convo with info on that topic catch or revisit Nicole's Friday Weed and Music show here at Radio or Not featuring old pal and activist Bobby Tuna. Image, NBC   This is the full Saturday Night Live catalogue from now back to its divine conception and delivery in 1975 and relatively accessible on VH1 Classic. Yours truly was a high school Freshman with one primitive tee vee [...]

Friday Weed & Music

Because it's Friday, Nicole focuses on some of the better things in life. Medical Marijuana activist Robert Platshorn joins in with details of the upcoming Rally in Tally and the latest in pot news. We celebrate Joan Baez' 74th birthday with a Flashback Friday session with Baez and Dar Williams from 1996 at a Starbucks in Los Angeles!

Weed and Music

      I usually appreciate Fridays as much as the next person, knowing that with the weekend comes some down time. But this week, I really needed it. The end of the week that gave us "rectal rehydration" and other images that we can never erase from our minds couldn't come soon enough. But it wasn't only the torture report. We saw the Democrats cave, yet again. They let the Republicans get away with pushing through a massive spending bill with a number of truly heinous provisions shoved in, literally at the last-minute in the dead of night behind [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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