I usually appreciate Fridays as much as the next person, knowing that with the weekend comes some down time. But this week, I really needed it.
The end of the week that gave us “rectal rehydration” and other images that we can never erase from our minds couldn’t come soon enough.
But it wasn’t only the torture report. We saw the Democrats cave, yet again. They let the Republicans get away with pushing through a massive spending bill with a number of truly heinous provisions shoved in, literally at the last-minute in the dead of night behind closed doors – something they accused the Democrats of doing with the Affordable Care Act, except in this case, it’s true!
Fifty-seven Democrats voted for this really bad deal, and now we wait to see what the Senate does.
Weekend, take me away… Perhaps with a good book…
This morning, I spoke with Peter Hecht, a reporter with the Sacramento Bee who’s covered the pot story for years, about his new book, Weed Land: Inside America’s Marijuana Epicenter and How Pot Went Legit.
During our conversation, Sanjay Gupta’s CNN program, Weed, was mentioned. I said I’d post it here. You should watch it!
After the weed, it was time for the music.
Every Friday, we segue into the weekend with our Flashback Friday segments. I reach back into my music radio archives for a musical interview. Today, it was a double-header.
First, from 1996, The Wallflowers! I don’t know the exact date, but it was shortly after the release of their breakthrough album, “Bringing Down the Horse“. This was my first interview with them, of many over the next few years – including this print interview with Jacob Dylan from later that year.
And we ended with my 5-3-99 interview with Gregg Alexander, the man behind New Radicals and its only album, “Maybe You’ve Been Brainwashed Too“. Two months after this appearance, Gregg Alexander basically stopped doing interviews and stopped making music. He just resurfaced a couple of months ago for his first interview in almost 15 years!
And with that, I’m done for the weekend.
Remember, the previous week’s shows run all weekend long on our audio stream… and I’ll be back Monday morning to take on whatever the world throws our way, radio or not!