7-12-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Whistleblowers Rights and Bernie Sanders Too!

Mitch McConnell will release the new senate wealthcare bill tomorrow, with the CBO score expected Monday. They plan to bring it for a vote sometime next week. This is real - the danger of upwards of 23 million of us losing our healthcare is a distinct possibility. Today, Senator Bernie Sanders joined me for a few minutes to talk about what's at stake, and to urge everyone to call and email your senators and urge them to do the right thing-- fix the Affordable Care Act, and give us a public option so we can buy into Medicare. I've been [...]

By |July 12th, 2017|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 7-12-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Whistleblowers Rights and Bernie Sanders Too!

Secrets and Lies

Isn't it interesting that the day after we learn about  XKeyscore - the NSA tool that collects "nearly everything a user does on the internet," we get the story about a Long Island home being visited by the police because the wife was searching online for pressure cookers and her husband was searching for backpacks. Members of what she described as a "joint terrorism task force" descended on Catalano's home on Wednesday. A spokesman for the FBI told to Guardian on Thursday that its investigators were not involved in the visit, but that "she was visited by Nassau County police department [...]

Another Dispatch from Opposite World

I have a piece I play frequently on my show that welcomes you to "opposite world... where up is down, and in is out".  It's the world in which Speaker Boehner and the rest of the Republicans who are trying to break this nation reside. They ran on JOBS, but the only jobs they seem to want are for the uterus police who will track your pregnancy from conception to birth to make sure nothing happens to the zygote or fetus.  Once the baby is born, they want to make sure there's no one to care for, teach, or protect [...]

By |March 1st, 2011|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Another Dispatch from Opposite World

Monday Night Mash-Up

If you happened to watch any of the MSNBC shows today or listened to progressive talk radio, chances are you heard a lot about the new book Game Change, about the 2008 presidential election. Tonight, on my Air America radio show, I won't be talking about the book. But I will discredit one of the authors. In October of 2007, before we knew exactly who would be in the running for the presidency, Mark Halperin of Time magazine wrote a book called The Undecided Voter's Guide to the Next President, which he presented as an unbiased look at the seven [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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