Flashback Friday June 21, 2013 Live from Netroots Nation in San Jose

Instead of repeating a show that just recently ran, I like to use these days to jump in the wayback machine. I've been hosting this show online since Air America went off the air on January 21, 2010-- the same day the Supreme Court ruled on Citizen's United.  There's lots to choose from. Today, we go back nine years. It was a fun, live broadcast from Netroots Nation in San Jose. The show ran over two hours that day. This is sloppily edited for time. If you want to see the whole thing, it's at on YouTube. But here's the [...]

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Secrets and Lies

Isn't it interesting that the day after we learn about  XKeyscore - the NSA tool that collects "nearly everything a user does on the internet," we get the story about a Long Island home being visited by the police because the wife was searching online for pressure cookers and her husband was searching for backpacks. Members of what she described as a "joint terrorism task force" descended on Catalano's home on Wednesday. A spokesman for the FBI told to Guardian on Thursday that its investigators were not involved in the visit, but that "she was visited by Nassau County police department [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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