By Nicole Sandler|October 27th, 2017|Tags: climate change, election integrity commission, JFK documents, Kelly Craft, Mark Halperin, Opioids, Tom Steyer|Comments Off on 10-27-17 What’s News – The JFK Document Release Edition
Hey Halperin, Who’s the Dick Now?
I knew Mark Halperin was a right wing shill years ago. I used to host a morning show at then-progressive talk WINZ in Miami (before they changed formats to become the 4th sports talk station in South Florida). It was still during the 2008 primaries that Halperin wrote a book called "The Undecided Voter's Guide to the Next President". He was booked on my show, and I quickly noticed his slant to the right, even when he attempted to portray himself as an objective journalist. I've excerpted part of the interview for you here, so you can hear what I [...]
Monday Night Mash-Up
If you happened to watch any of the MSNBC shows today or listened to progressive talk radio, chances are you heard a lot about the new book Game Change, about the 2008 presidential election. Tonight, on my Air America radio show, I won't be talking about the book. But I will discredit one of the authors. In October of 2007, before we knew exactly who would be in the running for the presidency, Mark Halperin of Time magazine wrote a book called The Undecided Voter's Guide to the Next President, which he presented as an unbiased look at the seven [...]