Secrets and Lies

Isn't it interesting that the day after we learn about  XKeyscore - the NSA tool that collects "nearly everything a user does on the internet," we get the story about a Long Island home being visited by the police because the wife was searching online for pressure cookers and her husband was searching for backpacks. Members of what she described as a "joint terrorism task force" descended on Catalano's home on Wednesday. A spokesman for the FBI told to Guardian on Thursday that its investigators were not involved in the visit, but that "she was visited by Nassau County police department [...]

Congress, Guns & Money

  Another day, another mass shooting... in Aurora, CO! When will the madness end?  Never, if the GOP gets its way. The chart above shows some common sense regulations that could be put in place immediately - and I think even the majority of NRA members would agree that these are practical ideas. Ten bills pertaining to guns were introducedin the House on the first day of the 113th Congressional session, eight of them by from Democrats seeking new restrictions on gun ownership. Dianne Feinstein is expected to introduce legislation in the Senate this week.   And Joe Biden's White House [...]

Welcome Back Grayson (and more things to be thankful for)

Today is a day two years in the making.  Two years ago, as the 112th Congress was being sworn in, I was feeling badly that my favorite Congressman had been targeted and defeated and therefore wasn't returning for his second term.  I picked up the phone and called the number I had for Alan Grayson and, to my surprise, he answered. We had a lovely conversation and I've enjoyed being able to count him as a friend.  And today, I'm brimming with pride and joy that he is, once again, being sworn in as a member of the US House [...]

Walking Like Egyptians

Wondering what it would take to get Americans walking like Egyptians these days. According to a report I saw numerous times on Al Jazeera English this weekend, the conditions that led to Egyptians taking to the streets to take control of their government are much like what we are experiencing here in US these days: High unemployment, growing poverty, huge divide between the rich and the poor, too many "businessmen" in government.  Seriously. I had the honor of being a guest on Thom Hartmann's TV show, "The Big Picture" Thursday evening to talk about the plight of the 99ers. Interesting, [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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