“‘The military stuff’ will ‘make it all worse’” (VIDEO)

Via MSNBC: Washington’s “armchair generals” are applauding Pres. Obama’s military plans against ISIS, but is that the best course? Phyllis Bennis and William McCants discuss. After listening and watching, and watching and listening, I've come to the conclusion that, so far, Phyllis Bennis (of the Institute for Policy Studies) is the clearest and most credible voice when it comes to the ISIS mess we're getting ourselves into. William McCants' insights were also invaluable, but Bennis has come through with flying colors time after time. She deciphers the convoluted crises in the Middle East in an easily understood way, making me wish [...]

By |September 12th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “‘The military stuff’ will ‘make it all worse’” (VIDEO)

World Gone Mad

As if we needed any more evidence that the world has, indeed, gone mad... Yesterday, ISIS released another video of one of their masked, cowardly, subhuman, heartless, soulless, thug terrorists beheading another American journalist, Steven Sotloff. Today's blog will be short, with just links to the people and stories I spoke with and about today, as I'm not feeling well and the news is making me even sicker... Dean Obeidallah was up first to discuss his latest for The Daily Beast, "It'll Take More Than Bombs to Stop ISIS". (When you're done with that, definitely click over to read, "Stop the [...]

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