“‘The military stuff’ will ‘make it all worse’” (VIDEO)

Via MSNBC: Washington’s “armchair generals” are applauding Pres. Obama’s military plans against ISIS, but is that the best course? Phyllis Bennis and William McCants discuss. After listening and watching, and watching and listening, I've come to the conclusion that, so far, Phyllis Bennis (of the Institute for Policy Studies) is the clearest and most credible voice when it comes to the ISIS mess we're getting ourselves into. William McCants' insights were also invaluable, but Bennis has come through with flying colors time after time. She deciphers the convoluted crises in the Middle East in an easily understood way, making me wish [...]

By |September 12th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “‘The military stuff’ will ‘make it all worse’” (VIDEO)

Debt Clock vs Cost of War Clock

Today, we've heard so much about the debt ceiling.  Yes, it's high and needs to be dealt with. But you don't do it by cutting social programs for the neediest among us. Perhaps if the wealthiest among us and corporations paid their fair share of taxes, we wouldn't be in this mess. The Gross National Debt So, there's your National Debt. The other place we could slow that clock down a whole lot is by doing away with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. See what we're blowing there? #costOfWarTotal { text-align: center; width: 270px; font-weight: bold; } #costOfWarTotal_Total { [...]

By |May 16th, 2011|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Debt Clock vs Cost of War Clock

It’s a Mad World

The Wisconsin State Senate breaks laws to break the unions and the US House of Representatives goes on an Islamic witch hunt. It's a mad world. A few tweets that underscore my point: "The Republican Party has come for my job, my union, my wife's uterus, my art and my radio station." FL is in trouble. We'll be a Mariana Island dotted with sweatshops & tent revivals b4 Rick Scott & Company are done. Per union leader Ed Sadlowski "Cops just dragged out a 15 year old girl from Assembly Chamber. She is totally distraught." Gov. Walker reminds you that [...]

Cost of War vs. Cost of College

There's a truly remarkable, albeit depressing website. Click on CostofWar. com and you can see, to the second, how much the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are costing us. I can't even post the figure, as it's constantly changing... the counters move faster than the ones at the gas pump. Tonight, I'll chat with a couple of people who've done the math in California.  You probably remember reading about the students in California protesting the rate hikes in the state university system just last month.  Now, Brave New Foundation, University of California Student Leaders, and the Consumer Federation of California [...]

By |April 28th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Cost of War vs. Cost of College

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