No Pope Radio… er Rubio

If Marco Rubio is the Republicans savior, maybe he can just skip to Rome  to replace the pontiff. Ah yes, the pope jokes were flying on the twitters this morning.  But there's really nothing funny about this pope who has turned a blind eye to the sexual abuse of young boys by his priests.  So, I figured I'd steal the headline from the not funny No Soap Radio non-joke.  Unfortunately, Marco Rubio will likely be around a lot longer than the Benedict...  Not only did Time magazine declare him the GOP savior, he'll be delivering the Republican response to tomorrow [...]

People With Guns Kill People

The Frank Luntz coached American right does a great job of one thing: coming up with pithy bumper sticker-type sayings that are easy for the unwashed masses who watch the Fake News Channel to parrot back to anyone who'll listen. We, the educated left who understand nuance and enjoy informed debate need to do better when it comes to memorable phrases that are easy to understand and echo. Obviously the fight over sensible legislation to help keep the public safe when it comes to guns is going to be a long, hard road.  So, I invited my friend - blogger, [...]

By |January 28th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on People With Guns Kill People

Seneca Falls, Selma and Stonewall!

Today is President Obama's 2nd Inaugural, MLK Day, the anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, and the third anniversary of Citizens United and the end of Air America. Nicole talk about all of those, and speaks with Toi Hutchinson, running for Congress to fill Jesse Jackson Jr's old seat. Plus Nicole Belle with Fools on the Hill

On Death and Politics

Aaron Swartz Adnan Latif (Photo: Wikipedia) Today's show highlighted some sad realities. I talked about two deaths in which the US government was undoubtedly complicit. Aaron Swartz, a brilliant young man who was being targeted by the DoJ for something many (including me) contend was not a crime, was facing decades in prison and battling lifelong depression, committed suicide. I didn't know Aaron and, although I knew of his work, did not know his name until I learned of his death.  But I watch as Chris Hayes yesterday paid tribute to his friend and former classmate... [...]

Congress, Guns & Money

  Another day, another mass shooting... in Aurora, CO! When will the madness end?  Never, if the GOP gets its way. The chart above shows some common sense regulations that could be put in place immediately - and I think even the majority of NRA members would agree that these are practical ideas. Ten bills pertaining to guns were introducedin the House on the first day of the 113th Congressional session, eight of them by from Democrats seeking new restrictions on gun ownership. Dianne Feinstein is expected to introduce legislation in the Senate this week.   And Joe Biden's White House [...]

On Sensata, Malala and the Fools on the Hill

  If you've noticed that #Sensata is trending on Twitter today, it's certainly not because the media is all over it. The mainstream, corporate media, that is.  Shows and alternative media (like mine) are talking about the Bain-run company that's moving its Freeport, IL factory to China and forcing its soon-to-be-former employees to train their replacements. My friend Dave Johnson has written about it extensively at the Campaign for America's Future, but here's an excerpt: If you are hearing about a company named Sensata, here is the story. Right now this company is moving equipment out of a factory in [...]

By |October 15th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on On Sensata, Malala and the Fools on the Hill

The House is in Play, or So They Say

  I got an email this morning from the Progressive Change Campaign Committee that proclaimed "Democrats now have a 74% chance of winning back the House, according to the Princeton Election Consortium.  Progressives are running in some of the tightest races." I'll take that both with a grain of salt and as good news to rally around.  So, this morning, I called on my pal Howie Klein of Down With Tyranny and the Blue America PAC to give a rundown of some of the races in which progressives (or, in some cases, worthy Democrats) have a shot at winning.  Not [...]

OWS – One Year Later

Listen to this episode: {play} {/play} Podcast: Play in new window Occupy Wall Street began one year ago today and, although we might not agree on what they're about, they have succeeded in getting millions of people off their asses and out from behind their computers to join a movement to say that something's gotta change.  Just what it is that has to change and how that change will be accomplished.. well, that's another story entirely. This morning on the show, I spoke with Jesse LaGreca - one of the few to emerge from the leaderless movement as a voice [...]

By |September 17th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on OWS – One Year Later

Teachers & NFL Players with Principles!

Listen to this episode: {play} {/play} Podcast: Play in new window For the first time in 25 years, Chicago's teachers are on strike. Good for them.  As the mother of an eighth-grader who pulled her out of a supposedly good public school in Florida because their cookie-cutter teaching philosophy doesn't work on her, I wish teachers were given the proper resources with which to do their jobs. In Chicago, however, they aren't.  They are dealing with overcrowded (and over heated) classrooms and are now being told their pay will be based on standardized testing that has nothing to do with [...]

By |September 10th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Teachers & NFL Players with Principles!

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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