On Budgets, HAMP and Yemen

It was another busy day on the Randi Rhodes Show today. In the first hour, I welcomed The Hill's Brent Budowsky to help us try to understand the budget quagmire in Washington DC.  Honestly, I can't understand the rationale of Republicans who think that cutting programs to help the needy and cutting taxes on the wealthy individuals and corporations is the way to dig out of a devastating recession. In hour two, I was joined by David Dayen, who does an amazing job with the news at FireDogLake.  I asked to to come on to talk about the 10-part series [...]

Labor, Laffs and Libya (and more)

Although there's no such thing as a slow news day any more, we know that real news is difficult to find. But if you know where to look, especially online, you will find lots of news about the Republican party's war on labor. Joshua Holland, Senior Writer/Editor at Alternet has been doing a great job, and he'll join us today with the latest on the situation in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and the other states run by GOP despots who are trying to kill unions. With our intervention in Libya, many are asking why we're not helping the other oppressed people [...]

With All Due Respect to Marc Maron… WTF?

What the fuck Arianna Huffington?  It's bad enough you don't pay HuffPost contributors for their work, but after selling out to AOL you go and hire Andrew Breitbart? And what the fuck President Obama? Dropping bombs on Libya when our safety as a nation was not threatened? What are you, George W. Bush revisited? And WTF to the geniuses at Ronald Reagan International Airport?  You name an airport after the guy who busted the air traffic controllers union, and you expect the tower to be manned? And finally, WTF Donald Trump?!? You'll never be president no matter how much of [...]

One Year Later-Do You Know Where Your Health Care Is?

One year ago today, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (or as the Republicans call it "the Job-Killing Health Care Bill) into law.  Unfortunately, a year later, the most helpful aspects of the law have yet to take effect. In fact, it'll be another three years before the exchange - which would allow us all, regardless of pre-existing condition, to buy insurance - is up and running. This dubious anniversary comes as I'm still reeling from a tooth extraction and its costs, both physically and financially. As someone with a few of those pesky pre-existing conditions, I pay an [...]

Humanitarian Crisis Here At Home!

So the war mongers are saying we need to engage militarily in Libya because of the humanitarian crisis that’s underway. Really? What about the humanitarian crises of a similar nature in Bahrain, Yemen and Sudan? (Answer: those countries don’t have oil we want.) And how about the humanitarian crisis here at home? People are dying from neglect.Probably because we don’t have they oil they want either. The people elected to positions of power, who each take an oath to protect (among other things) the domestic tranquility are surely shirking their responsibilities on that one. As I was suffering with a [...]

We ARE The World

Remember that star-studded song that raised millions of dollars to fight hunger world wide in the 80s?  The man who brought it all together, music manager Ken Kragen, has signed on to help create Home Aid - a virtual fundraising benefit event to help America's homeless families, children, and veterans, to be held November 18-19 in Nasville and New Orleans during National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. This morning, I'll be joined by Ken Kragen and David Mathison of Be The Media, executive director of the event, to tell us all about it, and how we can all get involved. [...]

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