11-18-15 Nicole Sandler Show – In Other News

As the insanity continues in Paris, life goes on (for most of us, anyway). Today, Nicole Sandler turns the focus on FloriDUH again. Deborah Newell Tornello joins in to share stories from the Oy FloriDUH files. And Brook Hines weighs in on the FL political situation.

By |November 18th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 11-18-15 Nicole Sandler Show – In Other News

New Beginning

  This morning, I was thrilled to make it official and welcome GottaLaff to Radio Or Not! I know, you're thinking, "Laffy has been doing the show on Tuesday mornings with Nicole for years. What's this all about?" (sure you are...). Well, after running The Political Carnival for so long, Laffy needs to take it a little easier. So, from here on out, when she decides to write a post, it'll show up here at Laffy's Place at RoN. Laffy continues with me each Tuesday morning for snark and fun during the second hour of each show, and that tradition [...]

I’m an Atheist too

My favorite video story in the wake of the Moore, OK tornado was not the elderly woman's dog emerging safely from the rubble during her interview (though it did warm my cockles), or of the teachers who risked their own lives to save the children in their care, or the many images of children and parents reuniting. No, it was Wolf Blitzer showing his true ineptitude when he said to a woman who escaped harm, "You got to thank the Lord, right?"   When she didn't respond to his expectations (I guess he though she should drop to her knees [...]

It’s Another Two-Fer Tuesday

A busy day for me, as I'm guest hosting the Randi Rhodes Show again today (through Thursday)... So, let's get right to it. On both shows, we'll address President Obama's Labor Day preview of what he'll give us on Thursday by way of a jobs plan.  And we'll look at Teamsters' chief James Hoffa's speech at yesterday's labor rally featuring the president in Detroit and how Fox blew it all out of proportion. On my show this morning, I'll talk with listener Susan Shaffer about two things she brought to my attention.  The first having to do with Sen. Marco [...]

By |September 6th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on It’s Another Two-Fer Tuesday

Labor, Laffs and Libya (and more)

Although there's no such thing as a slow news day any more, we know that real news is difficult to find. But if you know where to look, especially online, you will find lots of news about the Republican party's war on labor. Joshua Holland, Senior Writer/Editor at Alternet has been doing a great job, and he'll join us today with the latest on the situation in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and the other states run by GOP despots who are trying to kill unions. With our intervention in Libya, many are asking why we're not helping the other oppressed people [...]

Et tu Ohio?

Let's get this straight. The labor movement has been invigorated by Wisconsin's dictatorial governor's war against unions.  The fabulous 14 state senators left the state to prevent a vote that would kill the unions' collective bargaining rights, further energizing the left across the nation. Walker's trying everything to either get the 14 back (threats, intimidation, withholding pay, etc) or to figure out how to change the rules so they don't need 3/5 of the Senate present for a quorum. Meanwhile, Walker's BFF John Kasich, governor of Ohio, just may have stolen ol' Scotty Walker's thunder. The Ohio state senate yesterday [...]

By |March 3rd, 2011|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Et tu Ohio?

“Open your mouth lad, for every voice counts!”

...said the Mayor of Whoville to the shirker named JoJo who, instead of speaking out just played with his yo-yo.  But when he did lend his voice, that's all it took. The whole world was saved by the smallest voice of all. Horton Hears a Who is one of my all time favorite books.  When I awoke this morning and saw that today is Dr. Seuss' birthday, I thought it was time to pull out that book again, as the lesson needs to be learned by everyone who isn't making their voices heard.  I hope you'll listen to today's show, [...]

By |March 2nd, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “Open your mouth lad, for every voice counts!”

Get Up! Stand Up!

People all over the world are finally awakening from their slumber. They're saying no more to tyrannical rule, oppression, and inequality. Beginning with a fed-up produce vendor in Tunisia who set himself on fire, people are standing up for their rights as part of the human race.  From Tunisia to Egypt, and on to Libya, Bahrain, Iran, Yemen, Iraq... people are empowered, and saying enough is enough. But the protests have been brewing throughout the European Union for a while now. We've watched the masses take to the streets in national strikes in France. And those who've been paying attention [...]

Working Hard… or Hardly Working

As much of America is taking off for the holidays, some of us are lucky to be working, filling in for the vacationers.  That's the category I fall in to. I'm thrilled that, once again, Randi Rhodes has given me the honor of talking with her listeners while she enjoys some well-deserved rest and relaxation. In addition to being thankful for the work (and the paycheck!), I'm glad that I can continue my tradition of listening back to some of the highlights -and lowlights- of the year that's ending... It's our Rear End Year in Review (or something like that)...  [...]

By |December 20th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Working Hard… or Hardly Working

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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