Remember that star-studded song that raised millions of dollars to fight hunger world wide in the 80s?  The man who brought it all together, music manager Ken Kragen, has signed on to help create Home Aid – a virtual fundraising benefit event to help America’s homeless families, children, and veterans, to be held November 18-19 in Nasville and New Orleans during National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week.

This morning, I’ll be joined by Ken Kragen and David Mathison of Be The Media, executive director of the event, to tell us all about it, and how we can all get involved.

As you know, I’ve been very vocal in my support of the 99ers – a group that’s expanding exponentially daily, many of whom are among the homeless, or are soon to be.  We are truly the world, and we must help our fellow human beings through this very difficult time.

So much is going on in our world today — the world’s hot spot is Libya, where Muammar Kadaffi (I guess any way you want to spell is is correct) rambled for over 90 minutes yesterday, basically telling the people of Libya “Fuck you. I’m in charge. Come and get me, if I don’t get you first.. hahahaha” (Obviously, not a direct quote, but a #shorter version of his 90 minute diatribe.)  We’ll get a quick Libya update from Larisa Alexandrova at who’s been doing a great job of keeping up with everything going on there.

Kadaffi isn’t the only one who gave a rambling speech yesterday. Dictator Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin had the gall to call his speech a “fireside chat” as he tries to undo the policies put in place by the guy who actually coined the phrase!  In case you’re curious, here’s the video…

But basically he said to the pro-union protestors and the Wisconsin 14 (state senators who left the state to avoid a quorum necessary for a vote on this heinous piece of legislation), “Fuck you. I’m in charge. And if you don’t do what I want you to do, I’ll fire all the union workers one at a time:  (again, obviously, not a direct quote, but a #shorter version of his diatribe.)

BTW, this  just crossed my twitter stream… I don’t know if it’s real or not… but it’s great stuff–a prank call to Scott Walker from “David Koch”!

The website has crashed under all the traffic, but here are the two YouTube videos with the audio from the call:

And here at home, many of us are still reeling over what our government does in our name!  Jason Leopold has a new explosive piece up at Truthout.orgMy Tortured Journey with Former Guantanamo Detainee David Hicks. It is MUST reading!