Every Voice Counts, No Matter How Small

At the end of tonight's show, I read a portion of my all-time favorite book. The thing is, Horton Hears a Who wasn't my favorite book until I became politically aware! That's when I realized what an activist Dr. Seuss was, and the fact that this supposed children's book is all about exhorting each and every one of us to speak out, loudly and strongly, for the things in which we believe. You'll hear the context if you listen through to the end of the podcast. It shouldn't be that difficult. Tonight's show was a particularly good one, even if [...]

By |March 4th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Every Voice Counts, No Matter How Small

Health Care and Mormons and Hate Speak, Oh My!

**Podcast audio fixed.  Somehow, Tuesday's show was originally re-posted. Click on the player to hear the correct audio.  Sorry for the inconvenience!  NS** Today, I watched President Obama's final speech on Health Care Reform. And he said nothing. Nothing new, anyway. It was the same old shit. Same old pandering to the right. Same old sidestepping the public option -- the one fix that could get much of his former base back on board, but that, for reasons still completely obscured, he ignores. The same old Obama, trying to please everyone and, by doing that, pleasing no one... except the [...]

By |March 3rd, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Health Care and Mormons and Hate Speak, Oh My!

Why We Need Real Health Care Reform (and what we’ve been given so far isn’t)

I don't understand the people in this country who think we don't need health care reform. Perhaps they lack the compassion gene. How can anyone deny that we have a serious problem in the United States when a family can lose everything simply because one of its members got sick? Compassion is a theme to which I keep returning, for good reason. Access to quality, affordable health care should be a basic human right, not a privilege for the wealthy. The United States is the only developed nation on the planet that doesn't take care of its citizens in this [...]

By |January 19th, 2010|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Why We Need Real Health Care Reform (and what we’ve been given so far isn’t)

What If Martha Coakley loses?

Let's consider the possibilities. Conventional wisdom says that health care dies with her senatorial bid. Not so fast, my friend. And, honestly, it might work out for the best! To those who are saying that the House would just have to pass the Senate bill as it stands so that they wouldn't need 60 votes in the Senate again, I say it's that kind of thinking that took Single Payer off the table even before dinner was cooking! Let's face it, we were sold out by the same Democrats who promised us change. Instead of change, we got more of [...]

By |January 18th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on What If Martha Coakley loses?

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