Florida, Florida, Florida!

For once, I didn't think "Flori-DUH". Today, I was actually proud of a couple of our elected officials. First, kudos to Senator Bill Nelson (something I never imagined I'd write on this blog!) for being the 41st Senator to state publicly that he'd back the public insurance option as part of a health care bill moved through reconciliation.  He told Huffington Post's Ryan Grim that today, and Ryan told us all about it on tonight's show! I also spoke with Ryan about the other member of Florida's Congressional delegation of whom I'm especially proud this evening, Alan Grayson, who today [...]

By |March 10th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Florida, Florida, Florida!

Monday, Massa and More…

What a difference a weekend makes. Last week we believed that Eric Massa was retiring because he had a recurrence of cancer. Today, he's either been smeared or shot himself in the foot, or a combination of both. Massa took to the radio yesterday, as he apparently does did every Sunday to speak with his constituents. This time, it was WTMI (Way too much information!).  If you have an extra 90 minutes or so, click here and listen to a politician unravel publicly.  Otherwise, listen to the podcast of today's show, as I shared some highlights and some of my [...]

By |March 8th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Monday, Massa and More…

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