General McChrystal is Summoned to Washington

It's now Tuesday, so the weirdness that was Monday has passed. Or so we thought! I awoke this morning to the same headlines as everyone else: The Runaway General.  That's the name of the incredible new piece in Rolling Stone with the subtitle, "Stanley McChrystal, Obama's top commander in Afghanistan, has seized control of the war by never taking his eye off the real enemy: The wimps in the White House."  Yikes! So, obviously, no shortage of things to talk about today! We'll begin the show with Christina Bellantoni, senior reporter for Talking Points Memo, who's written at [...]

By |June 22nd, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on General McChrystal is Summoned to Washington

Guests Galore!

What a difference a day makes! Although I'm not 100% yet, I am feeling much better today.  And it's a good thing, because it was a very busy show tonight... We started with comedian Jamie Kilstein who, along with Allison Kilkenny hosts Citizen Radio. Jamie has a new CD out, called Zombie Jesus... It had been a while since I last spoke with Congressman Dennis Kucinich. He joined me tonight to talk about the wars and what it'll take to end them, health care reform and why he voted the way he did, financial reform, and more... If you happen [...]

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