What a difference a weekend makes. Last week we believed that Eric Massa was retiring because he had a recurrence of cancer. Today, he’s either been smeared or shot himself in the foot, or a combination of both. Massa took to the radio yesterday, as he apparently
does did every Sunday to speak with his constituents. This time, it was WTMI (Way too much information!). If you have an extra 90 minutes or so, click here and listen to a politician unravel publicly. Otherwise, listen to the podcast of today’s show, as I shared some highlights and some of my thoughts on a fallen Congressman.
Massa now contends that Rahm Emanuel and Democratic leadership took him down because of his no vote on health care reform. Whether that’s true or not, the fight over health care continues. Tomorrow, while Massa spends an hour on Glenn Beck‘s show (proving that he really has lost his mind), the health insurance lobbying organization AHIP will hold their national policy forum meeting at the Ritz Carlton in Washington DC.
Health Care for America Now is behind a Citizen’s Posse to Stop Big Insurance with a mass citizens arrest of these insurance execs. I spoke with HCAN National Communcations Director Jacki Schechner about tomorrow’s planned activities.
Victoria Jones checked in with a news update from the Talk Radio News Service.
And the big highlight of tonight’s show was my conversation with Jason Leopold, deputy managing editor at Truthout.org and editor-at-large at The Public Record, about his latest piece, “A Campaign Promise Dies: Obama and Military Commissions.”
How interesting that Rahm Emanuel is integral to this story too. Perhaps instead of giving me whiplash from flipping on his campaign promises, Obama should just rid us of the Rahm.