Thursday with EPA Whistleblower and Crowded House

It's my last day of summer vacation.  My darling daughter returns home from three weeks away at summer camp tomorrow.  Unfortunately, my time without a child in tow was not much fun as I broke my foot the afternoon before depositing her at camp.  As much as I've enjoyed the respite from parental responsibilities, I can't wait to see my kid again... at least until she does something that makes me want to strangle her.  I give it around an hour... I get to spend my last night without worrying about what to do with her by seeing [...]

By |July 29th, 2010|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Thursday with EPA Whistleblower and Crowded House

A Marathon Broadcast Day

fter filling in for Randi Rhodes today, I continued with my show for the next two hours. We got an update from environmentalist Ted Glick, who joined me yesterday on Randi's show.  As Raw Story reports, Ted was convicted of two misdemeanors for unfurling two banners inside the atrium of the Hart Senate Office Building last September that read "Green Energy Now" and "Get to Work"!  He faced up to three years in prison at today's sentencing. Thankfully, Glick had a decent judge who gave him a suspended sentence with one year of probation, 40 hours of community service, and [...]

By |July 6th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on A Marathon Broadcast Day

It’s Monday, and Day 70 of the Gulf/BP Disaster

With no end in sight. Ugh. Aside from the ongoing tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico, today was a busy news day. Senator Robert Byrd died this morning. If nothing else, he should be remembered for speaking out against the war in Iraq. Check the bottom of this post for the video of that wise and prescient speech. The Supreme Court ruled against states rights on gun control. I guess we're returning to the wild west. Today is also the last day of this term of the Supreme Court, and the last day Justice John Paul Stevens sits on the [...]

By |June 28th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on It’s Monday, and Day 70 of the Gulf/BP Disaster

Mr. Hayward Goes to Washington

Unfortunately, it was actually Tony Hayward and not Jimmy Stewart in Congress today. In what was an otherwise mostly worthless exercise, there were a few moments of excitement. When Tony Hayward was finally sworn in and began his testimony -after more than an hour of gratuitous opening comments by the committee members - Code Pink's Diane Wilson, who happens to be a shrimper, jumped up with oil on her hands and face screaming "you need to be charged with a crime!" Then, the questioning began. Unfortunately the answers were few and far between. Consisting mostly of "I don't know" and [...]

By |June 17th, 2010|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Mr. Hayward Goes to Washington

The President Went to the Gulf, and All We Got was a Lousy Speech!

I put my thoughts about the president's speech in writing last night. Just scroll down to yesterday's blog to read my anger.  Of course, on today's show, I had a bit more to say.  We listened back to some of the pertinent points and did some fact-checking too, with a little help from the AP. I also opened the phone lines and took some calls... We checked in with Harvey Wasserman, author of  Solartopia! whose latest missive, "Corporate Apocalypse vs. Solartopian Survival" is on and other sites today.  We spoke about what President Obama could have and [...]

Irony Alert- Day 50 of the Spill is World Oceans Day

Isn't it ironic, don't you think? It's Day 50 of the worst man-made environmental disaster in the world which will destroy the Gulf of Mexico for, optimistically, at least a generation.  The disaster began on Earth Day and today, Day 50, happens to be World Oceans Day.  It's a truly bad situation and it only seems to be getting worse! Tonight, I'll spoke with the wonderful Dr. Riki Ott, a marine biologist who's been camping out in the Gulf since the disaster began and must be feeling a bit of deja vu, as she was in Alaska when the Exxon [...]

By |June 8th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Irony Alert- Day 50 of the Spill is World Oceans Day

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