3-20-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Spring has Sprung, War Rages, and Music Soothes

On the 12th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, Cindy Sheehan is leading a peace action in DC and joins us to talk about it. Plus Bibi pulls an Emily Litella, another edition of "Mean People Suck". And for our Flashback Friday segments today, we'll hear my interviews with Jonny Lang from 1999 and Shelby Lynne from 2000 (including their performances)

3-16-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Murder, Nukes & Endless War

Today, Nicole recaps the weird murders outlined in HBO's The Jinx, leading up to Robert Dursts' arrest yesterday, and our 3 degrees of separation! Plus, two awful anniversaries: we talk Fukushima 4 with Harvey Wasserman, and 12 Years since Iraq

By |March 16th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 3-16-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Murder, Nukes & Endless War

Monday, Round Two!

After three hours of hosting Randi's show, it was time to return to my show. Cindy Sheehan returned to give us an update on what happened when she went to court last week, and I was joined in the second hour by GottaLaff (Laffy) from The Political Carnival. At the top of the show, I checked in with Kenny Pick, who held down the fort while I was out all last week (and will fill in for me again tomorrow when I'm flying to Vegas).   Kenny and his posse will also be hosting a Friday night show here at Radio [...]

By |July 20th, 2010|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Monday, Round Two!

It’s Friday Ya Bastids!

No, I won't be bouncing my boobies today. Not that there's anything wrong with that... but that is Randi's thing. So, I'll defer to her on that one.  But I also thank Randi profusely for allowing me to speak into her microphone this week, and trusting me with her wonderful listeners. To close out the week, we once again have a stellar line-up of guests... We'll start off with the peace mom herself, Cindy Sheehan.  Cindy's in DC these days, leading Peace of the Action- -still working toward a peaceful world. John Nichols, Washington correspondent for The Nation, will be [...]

By |July 9th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on It’s Friday Ya Bastids!

It’s a Health Care Kind of Week

It figures. The week there's finally movement on health care reform, is when I'll be in NY and not doing my regular shows.  But that's OK... I'll be checking in regularly and hope you will too. Here's my schedule for this week. Tomorrow, take my kid to the doctor. It figures, I'm leaving tomorrow night, and she's running 102.5 fever. Why do kids have a knack for making life difficult? Anyway, after the doctor visit, I'll continue doing laundry, packing and getting ready for the aforementioned trip to NY. Tomorrow night I'll go see Craig Ferguson do stand up. And [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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