I’m always honored when Lisa Graves joins me to lend her legal expertise to the discussion about the trials and tribulations of TFG and, of course, the machinations of the once Supreme, now Extreme, Court.
Lisa has the bona fides… she served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Office of Policy Development/Legal Policy at the U.S. Department of Justice under Attorneys General Janet Reno and John Ashcroft, Chief Counsel for Nominations for Senator Patrick Leahy on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, Deputy Chief of the Article III Judges Division of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts with oversight of the Financial Disclosure Office and more, and as an adjunct law professor at George Washington University Law School. She also worked as the Senior Legislative Strategist for the ACLU on national security and civil liberties, and held other posts.
Although Lisa generously shares her knowledge with us on this show, she does so in her capacity as a private citizen. These days, her day job is as the founder and Executive Director of True North Research, a national investigative watchdog group that works with journalists and other researchers to shine a bright light on the dark money fueling regressive agendas targeting vital institutions in our republic, such as our courts and public schools.
Graves is one of the nation’s foremost experts in exposing how special interests distort public policy and try to thwart the public’s interest in a thriving and inclusive democracy and to impede measures to protect our environment and mitigate climate change.
I don’t run through her CV and experience as often as I should when she’s on the show, so I wanted to put it down in writing… Today, Lisa joins me to talk about the beginning of the first-ever criminal trial of a former president, about that former guy’s inability to follow the most basic rules of decorum inside a court of law (or anywhere else for that matter), David Pecker’s testimony that proves Trump talks about himself when he decries “FAKE NEWS” and more.
On the SCOTUS front, tomorrow – the final day they’ll hear arguments this term – they’ll hear Trump’s farce of a claim that he enjoys “absolute immunity” as a former president… of course today, the antediluvian men on the court showed that they believe they should control every aspect of a woman’s life, including her health care.