4-12-19 Nicole Sandler Show -Dems Eating their Own with Dave Johnson

It's been another week that feels like a year in D'ump's America. Nicole Sandler has a few choice words about Think Progress and their latest attack on Bernie Sanders (both the article and the attached video that they produced!). We welcomed Dave Johnson back to the show to talk about our new, sad reality, and what we can do to change it.

By |April 12th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 4-12-19 Nicole Sandler Show -Dems Eating their Own with Dave Johnson

Literally Racists

I've recently made a concerted effort to stay away from playing clips of right wing nut jobs on my show, but sometimes they say things so absurd they figuratively make my head explode! There were two such incidents yesterday that metaphorically drove me crazy. I know Joe Biden gets chided for his misuse of the word "literally". But it seems that when he does it, it's little more than an annoyance or something easily mocked. But Rush Limbaugh is supposed to be a professional broadcaster. His stock in trade is words! The clip below is a perfect example of why [...]

Better Late Than Never (Wednesday’s show)

I'm a bad host... a very bad host. I was just too tired last night to write this blog entry, letting you know who was on the show and giving you links to find out more about who they are and what we talked about. So now, I get to pull double duty again! So, we'll make this quick (as I still have to post tonight's show and blog!) We started the show last night as we do most Wednesdays, with Christy Harvey of the Center for American Progress, and a discussion of some of the stories she shares with [...]

By |April 15th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Better Late Than Never (Wednesday’s show)

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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