9-14-20 Nicole Sandler Show – How Low Can Trump Go? with Marcy Wheeler

< Download here or click below to play     I keep asking how low Trump can go and truly believe there is no bottom. After a weekend filled with one outrageous breaking news story after another, we check in with Marcy Wheeler of emptywheel.net to ride the escalator down through the hell that is Trump's Amerikkka. Plus a new Randy Rainbow video is released in the wake of some not-so-pleasant news about Mr. Rainbow... Here is that new Randy Rainbow video (and here's a link to the article about his sickening tweets from 10 years ago) [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TI8RZhhoBM0[/embedyt] And [...]

By |September 14th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 9-14-20 Nicole Sandler Show – How Low Can Trump Go? with Marcy Wheeler

LIVE VIDEO FEED! Ex-Va. Gov “Ultrasound” McDonnell verdict: GUILTY!!

UPDATE: GUILTY!!!!! Breakdown of verdict and charges at WaPo here.  11 guilty verdicts. UPDATE: Both Bob McDonnell and his wife found guilty on most charges. Mrs. McDonnell was found not guilty on a couple of them. Sentencing will be on January 6th. For all my previous posts on former Gov. Bob "Ultrasound" McDonnell, please scroll here. Well, at least now we know whether the "Throw the Crazy Little Woman with a Childlike Crush Under the Bus" defense worked. It didn't. Via NBC: The government had accused the McDonnells of doing special favors for Jonnie Williams, the former CEO of dietary [...]

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