The Truth About Crist

Although I don't often quote Politifact, I couldn't help but agree with their summation of Charlie Crist's penchant for "elasticity" in his stance on, well, everything... Charlie Crist and "never wavered" are words that don't seem to naturally fit together these days. He vetoed anti-abortion legislation in June 2010 after painting himself as fiercely pro-life. He buddied up to Sarah Palin during a "Drill, Baby, Drill" event in 2008, then called for a special legislative session to ban oil drilling in July 2010. Most famously, he abandoned the Republican party after pegging himself as a both a Jeb Bush and [...]

By |April 3rd, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Truth About Crist

Silver Lining

It's difficult to think of anything coming out of the horrific massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut as "good" - but today, we learned of a silver lining on the cloud that's been hanging over the nation since December 14, 2012. I was joined on the show this morning by the Speaker of the Connecticut House, Brendan Sharkey, who told us about the new gun legislation that will come up for a vote there tomorrow.  When it passes, and it should - easily - it will be the toughest gun legislation in the country. The proposal includes [...]

The Beginning of a Long Week

Last week's diversion into the troubled mind of Michelle Shocked was, in a sense, a fitting introduction to this week in which the Supreme Court will hear two cases that deal directly with Marriage Equality. Tomorrow and Wednesday will bring challenges to California's Prop 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act, respectively.  We'll cover both here on my show in the morning, and on the Randi Rhodes Show in the afternoon..  Yes, it's double-headers all week long... This morning on my show, music journalist Chris Willman will join in to give the postscript on the very sad Michelle Shocked saga. [...]

Truth vs Reality

    If there is any difference between one's truth and one's reality, I tried to explore it this morning.  This was to be a pretty big show.  Michelle Shocked agreed to come on with me to clarify the statements she made from the stage Sunday night at Yoshi's in San Franciso.  From her music and what I've seen in this woman whom I've interviewed a few times over the years, I believed her to be a compassionate, caring, far-from-bigoted person that was being reported by disgusted concert goers Sunday night. So, I wanted to give her the benefit of [...]

How To Listen to The Show

The Nicole Sandler Show broadcasts live Monday through Thursday mornings from 10-noon Eastern/ 7-9 Pacific.  All shows are available as audio and video archives, and via podcast.  The show is always free, though donations and subscriptions are certainly welcomed and truly appreciated!  Listening to the show is as easy as clicking!  We have four live streams of the show - two audio and two video. We stream live video via ustream and YouTube.  Be forewarned,  ustream inserts ads at random times throughout the show - over which I have no control!  If you're one of those people who enjoys seeing [...]

By |March 21st, 2013|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on How To Listen to The Show

The Hard Way

The mystery surrounding Michelle Shocked's shocking comments from the concert stage at Yoshi's in San Francisco Sunday night continues as conflicting accounts of what actually happened surfaced, but no clear statement from the singer-songwriter herself.  Those comments will come tomorrow morning here, live on my show. Music journalist Chris Willman at Yahoo music followed up on his original story with one that includes an alternate take on what happened.   The follow-up, "Michelle Shocked: 'Hatemonger' or Misunderstood Provocateur"  sounds more like what my personal knowledge of Shocked (through her music and my interviews with her over the years) leads me [...]


  I've known Michelle Shocked for about 25 years.  I first met her in 1988 when her label at the time put a bunch of radio people on a train from Los Angeles to San Diego and back for a performance to promote her first single, "If Love Was a Train" .    It was probably four or five years later that I first interviewed her. I had the pleasure of hosting Michelle Shocked on the air a number of times throughout my radio career.  One particularly wonderful,  memorable appearance was from August of 1994 at the now defunct but [...]

We’re Still Here!

OK, so much of the country has checked out this week, but we're still here carrying on! Today is a double header... I popped in to finish off the year of the Nicole Sandler Show here on Radio or Not this morning.  Cliff Schecter and John Fugelsang helped us close the book on 2011.  That one is up on the podcast so you can listen in case you missed it. I'm now sitting in Randi Rhodes' studio, getting ready to fill in for her again today.  It's going to be another fun afternoon with another visit from Cliff Schecter talking [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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